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Barry Langdon-Lassagne | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Northern California Wildflowers tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Northern California Wildflowers

This gallery is a collection of California native wildflowers and plants, mostly from the San Francisco Bay Area. I've specified the location in the description below each photograph. If you see any incorrect species identification, please let me know by leaving a comment for the particular wildlflower.

Some of my favorite places to go for wildflowers are Edgewood County Park, Picchetti Ranch, Stevens Creek County Park, Sunol Regional Wilderness and Hidden Villa.

Although I am currently more interested in photographing North American birds, I have always enjoyed photographing and identifying native plants. If you visit the page with birds listed by site, you will find many of these wildflower photographs mixed with photos of the birds found at the same location.

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Giant Wakerobin (Trillium chloropetalum)
Giant Wakerobin (Trillium chloropetalum)
Giant Wakerobin (Trillium chloropetalum)
Giant Wakerobin (Trillium chloropetalum)
Giant Wakerobin (Trillium chloropetalum)
Giant Wakerobin (Trillium chloropetalum)
Checker Lily (Fritillaria affinis)
Checker Lily (Fritillaria affinis)
Jewelflower (Streptanthus species)
Jewelflower (Streptanthus species)
Yellow Violet (Johnny Jump Up, Viola pedunculate) with a small geranium and a blue miniature lupine
Yellow Violet (Johnny Jump Up, Viola pedunculate) with a small geranium and a blue miniature lupine
Baby Blue-eyes (Nemophila menziesii)
Baby Blue-eyes (Nemophila menziesii)
Phacelia species (possibly Canterbury Bells?)
Phacelia species (possibly Canterbury Bells?)
Jewelflower, Popcorn flower and California Poppy
Jewelflower, Popcorn flower and California Poppy
Checker Mallow (Sidalcea malvaeflora)
Checker Mallow (Sidalcea malvaeflora)
California Poppy
California Poppy
Owl's Clover
Owl's Clover
Blow-wives seeds
Blow-wives seeds
Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus)
Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus)
Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus)
Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus)
Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus)
Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus)
Butterfly Mariposa Lilies (Calochortus venustus)
Butterfly Mariposa Lilies (Calochortus venustus)
Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus)
Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus)
Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus)
Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus)
Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus)
Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus)
Ground Iris (Iris macrosiphon)
Ground Iris (Iris macrosiphon)
Ground Iris (Iris macrosiphon)
Ground Iris (Iris macrosiphon)
Ground Iris (Iris macrosiphon)
Ground Iris (Iris macrosiphon)
Ground Iris (Iris macrosiphon)
Ground Iris (Iris macrosiphon)
Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium bellum)
Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium bellum)
Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium bellum)
Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium bellum)
Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium bellum)
Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium bellum)
Elegant Brodiaea (Brodiaea elegans)
Elegant Brodiaea (Brodiaea elegans)
Fairy Lanterns
Fairy Lanterns
Chinese Houses
Chinese Houses
Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus)
Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus)
Fairy Lanterns seed pods
Fairy Lanterns seed pods
Red Thistle (Cirsium occidentale)
Red Thistle (Cirsium occidentale)
Red Thistle (Cirsium occidentale)
Red Thistle (Cirsium occidentale)
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