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Guest 16-Feb-2021 16:42
Bill my name is Patrick Restivo My father was the owner of Freaky Foods I was the last Restivo owner of the store I was wondering if you have any more photos of the store inside or out I am working with a gentleman that is writing a book on Montrose and the store is being featured in the book I am also putting a Memory Book together for the Family.
Please contact me if you have anything I may be reached at 832-484-3900
Thanks Patrick
Guest 08-Mar-2007 11:08
Keep going forward. You have so much potential.
Barry 14-Jul-2005 20:36
Taken any trips this summer that we can live vicariously through you?
Barry 03-Feb-2005 14:42
I ran across a gallery that reminds me of your work and I though you might enjoy looking at it. The gallery is called One Day in Bodie and the photog is Ray Soemarsono. Hope yall are doing well.
Mary Colbert 22-Dec-2004 09:59
great job on the state fair I thought I was there. Your pictures are getting better and better. I enjoy looking at them,keep them coming.
Guest 15-Jul-2004 21:34
i enjoyed looking at your pictures keep them comming i will keep checking back
sandra 10-Jun-2004 00:26
love the picture bill. it makes him look suddam
Rene Ramirez 22-Mar-2004 21:09
Hello Bill and Marti,
Thank you for sharing this with me. I really enjoyed looking at your photos, especially the ones of Marti's parents. Keep posting.
Take care.