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Will Denney | all galleries >> Mindless Wandering.... >> Pre-PAD Wandering > Legs and shoes...sort of...
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Legs and shoes...sort of...

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Friday SP

My mother doesn't wear combat boots but I I couldn't let John go at this

Sony DSC-F828
1/40s f/2.8 at 12.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Paul Dovie Jr09-Jul-2007 23:32
Happy Birthday Will form Theodore Al. by way of New Orleans.
Coleen Perilloux Landry09-Jul-2007 22:48
Happy Birthday, Will, from New Orleans.
laine8230-Jun-2007 23:04
Good on you, Will !!!
Deborah Lewis30-Jun-2007 17:20
I agree with the girls - more legs!
JW30-Jun-2007 09:06
Thanks for joining in, Will, - nice to have company amongst these scary women!!
Sheila30-Jun-2007 02:43
Nice ankles!
mojoflowerchick30-Jun-2007 02:18
thanks for joining in.. had to come back and look for a second time.. bev is right though.. MORE LEG..
Guest 30-Jun-2007 00:06
Polished toecaps as well!!
Dana29-Jun-2007 23:51
I love the guys joining in the fun! So much more interesting!
mojoflowerchick29-Jun-2007 23:11
great shot... lovely boots...;0)
Gail Davison29-Jun-2007 22:08
Yep... more leg... but the forces boots are a winner :-)
Jola Dziubinska29-Jun-2007 21:46
Another brave man showing up his legs :) Good shot.
beverley harrison29-Jun-2007 20:53
more leg cazi...more leg!!lol!!
Carole Stevens29-Jun-2007 20:44
So glad you joined in, we love hairy legs and army boots what more can a girl want lol!
beverley harrison29-Jun-2007 20:40
can't beat a manly hairy leg!! glad to see you joining in...just wish you were showing a bit more....leg!!lol!!