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Wildlife Images | profile | all galleries >> New Zealand Birds >> Ducks, Geese and Swans tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Ducks, Geese and Swans

Plumed Whistling Duck (NZ vagrant)
Plumed Whistling Duck (NZ vagrant)
Mute Swan
Mute Swan
Black Swan
Black Swan
Cape Barren Goose
Cape Barren Goose
Domestic Goose
Domestic Goose
Canada Goose
Canada Goose
Paradise Shelduck
Paradise Shelduck
Chestnut-breasted Shelduck
Chestnut-breasted Shelduck
Grey Duck
Grey Duck
Brown Teal
Brown Teal
Campbell Island Teal
Campbell Island Teal
Grey Teal
Grey Teal
Chestnut Teal (NZ vagrant)
Chestnut Teal (NZ vagrant)
New Zealand Scaup
New Zealand Scaup
Australian Wood Duck (NZ vagrant)
Australian Wood Duck (NZ vagrant)
Australian Hardhead (NZ vagrant)
Australian Hardhead (NZ vagrant)
Pink-eared Duck (NZ vagrant)
Pink-eared Duck (NZ vagrant)
Australiasian Shoveler
Australiasian Shoveler
Northern Shoveler (NZ vagrant)
Northern Shoveler (NZ vagrant)