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waterfalls man | all galleries >> Galleries >> NIGHT SKY & CONSTELLATIONS > Ursa Major Or The Big Dipper Picture made 1/31/09
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Ursa Major Or The Big Dipper Picture made 1/31/09

Canon EOS 350D
20s f/4.5 at 18.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Logan03-Jun-2019 21:48
banana 30-Mar-2016 15:58
this is cool
DA MAN 10-Apr-2015 16:02
Michael J. Parkinson15-Feb-2009 14:44
I like the way the colour temps show up in the original. Might be an idea to direct viewers that way. V
Carol Rollins04-Feb-2009 00:58
Wow! This is super Randy!
Barb03-Feb-2009 15:00
Great capture.
CIS02-Feb-2009 15:59
So VERY beautiful!
Simon Chandler02-Feb-2009 05:12
Great shot. So clear. v
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)02-Feb-2009 02:12
Nice and clear; you must be well out of lighted areas.
Guest 02-Feb-2009 01:14
Very nice shot.
Jim Coffman02-Feb-2009 00:51
Nice capture,Randy. V
Char01-Feb-2009 23:47
Wow Randy this is fantastic! Great capture. \/
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