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waterfalls man | all galleries >> Galleries >> NIGHT SKY & CONSTELLATIONS > The moon. Venus & Jupiter just before going behind the mountain12/03/08
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The moon. Venus & Jupiter just before going behind the mountain12/03/08

Canon EOS 350D
5s f/3.5 at 22.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)31-Mar-2013 08:04
Exc & V+
Marcia Rules19-Jan-2009 00:09
the trees look like they're on fire! very stunning & unusual shot..v
Pixel Shooter21-Dec-2008 04:31
very cool shot!
Guest 04-Dec-2008 08:57
cool shot.And beautiful.
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