:: North & South Carolina Native Orchids ::
:: Trilliums ::
:: Wild Violets ::
:: Native Flowering Shrubs and Trees ::
 Oconee Bells 1 |
 Oconee Bells 2 |
 Oconee Bells 3 |
 Oconee Bells 4 |
 Oconee Bells 5 |
 Oconee Bells 6 |
 Oconee Bells 7 |
 Oconee Bells 8 |
 Rue Anemone 1 |
 Rue Anemone 2 |
 Rue Anemone 3 |
 Rue Anemone 4 |
 Rue Anemone 5 |
 Rue Anemone 6 |
 Sharp-lobed Hepatica 1 |
 Sharp-lobed Hepatica 2 |
 Sharp-lobed Hepatica 3 |
 Sharp-lobed Hepatica 4 |
 Sharp-lobed Hepatica 5 |
 Sharp-lobed Hepatica 6 |
 Sharp-lobed Hepatica 7 |
 Round-lobed Hepatica 1 |
 Round-lobed Hepatica 2 |
 Pennywort 1 |
 Pennywort 2 |
 Pennywort 3 |
 Allegheny Spurge 1 |
 Allegheny Spurge 2 |
 Bloodroot 1 |
 Bloodroot 2 |
 Bloodroot 3 |
 Bloodroot 4 |
 Bloodroot 5 |
 Bloodroot 6 |
 Star of Bethlehem 1 |
 Star of Bethlehem 2 |
 Crow Poison |
 Appalachian Stitchwort 1 |
 Appalachian Stitchwort 2 |
 Early Saxifrage 1 |
 Early Saxifrage 2 |
 Early Saxifrage 3 |
 Lettuceleaf Saxifrage 1 |
 Lettuceleaf Saxifrage 2 |
 Brook Saxifrage |
 Cliff Saxifrage 1 |
 Cliff Saxifrage 2 |
 Garlic Mustard |
 Navel Cornsalad 1 |
 Navel Cornsalad 2 |
 European Field Pansy |
 White Violet 1 |
 White Violet 2 |
 White Violet 3 |
 White Violet 4 |
 White Violet 5 |
 Canadian White Violet 1 |
 Canadian White Violet 2 |
 Plantainleaf Pussytoes 1 |
 Plantainleaf Pussytoes 2 |
 Plantainleaf Pussytoes 3 |
 Plantainleaf Pussytoes 4 |
 Single-headed Pussytoes 1 |
 Single-headed Pussytoes 2 |
 Single-headed Pussytoes 3 |
 Single-headed Pussytoes 4 |
 Fraser's Sedge |
 Fringed Phacelia 1 |
 Fringed Phacelia 2 |
 Fringed Phacelia 3 |
 Fringed Phacelia 4 |
 Fringed Phacelia & Yellow Trillium |
 Smallflower Phacelia 1 |
 Smallflower Phacelia 2 |
 Carolina Vetch |
 Wood Anenome 1 |
 Wood Anenome 2 |
 Wood Anenome 3 |
 Wood Anemone 4 |
 Mountain Thimbleweed |
 Alumroot 1 |
 Alumroot 2 |
 Alumroot 3 |
 Eastern Shooting Star |
 Great Chickweed |
 Robin's Plantain 1 |
 Mayapple 1 |
 Mayapple 2 |
 Mayapple 3 |
 Pussy Willow |
 Sweetleaf |
 Twoleaf Miterwort 1 |
 Twoleaf Miterwort 2 |
 Squirrel Corn 1 |
 Squirrel Corn 2 |
 Squirrel Corn 3 |
 Dutchman's Breeches 1 |
 Dutchman's Breeches 2 |
 Dutchman's Breeches 3 |
 Wildflower Combo |
 Smooth Rockcress 1 |
 Smooth Rockcress 2 |
 White Baneberry 1 |
 White Baneberry 2 |
 Hairy Sweet Cicely 1 |
 Sweet Cicely 2 |
 Stonecrop 1 |
 Stonecrop 2 |
 Stonecrop 3 |
 Dwarf Ginseng 1 |
 Dwarf Ginseng 2 |
 Dwarf Ginseng 3 |
 Naked Broomrape 1 |
 Naked Broomrape 2 |
 Foam Flower 1 |
 Foam Flower 2 |
 Foam Flower 3 |
 Foam Flower 4 |
 Foam Flower 5 |
 Foam Flower 6 |
 Two-leaved Toothwort |
 Cutleaf Toothwort 1 |
 Cutleaf Toothwort 2 |
 Cutleaf Toothwort 3 |
 Cutleaf Toothwort 4 |
 Cutleaf Toothwort 5 |
 Large White Trillium 1 |
 Large White Trillium 2 |
 Large White Trillium 3 |
 Large White Trillium 4 |
 Large White Trillium 5 |
 Catesby's Trillium 5 |
 Jones Gap Trillium |
 Trillium sp. |
 Southern Nodding Trillium |
 Painted Trillium 1 |
 Painted Trillium 2 |
 4 leaf Painted Trillium 1 |
 4 leaf Painted Trillium 2 |
 Sweet White Trillium |
 Trillium Hybrid |
 Wake Robin 2 |
 Wake Robin 4 |
 Wake Robin 5 |
 Wake Robin 6 |
 Sweet Azalea |
 Grass Pink - white variant |
 Pink Lady Slipper - white variant |
 Umbrella Leaf 1 |
 Umbrella Leaf 2 |
 Umbrella Leaf 3 |
 Umbrella Leaf 4 |
 Umbrella Leaf 5 |
 Allegheny Brookfoam 1 |
 Allegheny Brookfoam 2 |
 Partridge Berry 1 |
 Partridge Berry 2 |
 Partridge Berry 3 |
 False Lily of the Valley |
 American Lily of the Valley |
 Redring Milkweed 1 |
 Redring Milkweed 2 |
 Four-leaved Milkweed |
 Spiderwort 4 |
 Spiderwort 5 |
 Oxeye Daisy |
 Cow Wheat 1 |
 Cow Wheat 2 |
 Devil's Bit 1 |
 Devil's Bit 2 |
 Devil's Bit 2 |
 White Crested Dwarf Iris |
 Wild Strawberry 1 |
 Wild Strawberry 2 |
 False Solomon's Seal 1 |
 False Solomon's Seal 2 |
 Turkeybeard 1 |
 Turkeybeard 2 |
 Fly Poison 1 |
 Fly Poison 2 |
 2 bugs on Fly Poison |
 Galax 1 |
 Galax 2 |
 Speckled Wood Lily 1 |
 Speckled Wood Lily 2 |
 Speckled Wood Lily 3 |
 Mountain Wood Sorrel 1 |
 Mountain Wood Sorrel 2 |
 Cow Parsnip |
 Indian Physic 1 - aka Bowman's Root |
 Indian Physic 2 - aka Bowman's Root |
 Allegheny Stonecrop 1 |
 Allegheny Stonecrop 2 |
 Maryland Meadow Beauty |
 Mountain Meadow-rue |
 Early Meadow Rue |
 Tassel Rue 1 |
 Tassel Rue 2 |
 Thimbleweed 1 |
 Thimbleweed 2 |
 Thimbleweed 3 |
 Daisy Fleabane 1 |
 Daisy Fleabane 2 |
 Flowering Spurge 1 |
 Enchanter's Nightshade 1 |
 Enchanter's Nightshade 2 |
 Alpine Enchanter's Nightshade 1 |
 Alpine Enchanter's Nightshade 1 |
 Alpine Enchanter's Nightshade 2 |
 Alpine Enchanter's Nightshade |
 Horse Balm 1 |
 Horse Balm 2 |
 Common Yarrow 1 |
 Common Yarrow 2 |
 Queen Anne's Lace 1 |
 Queen Anne's Lace 2 |
 White Snakeroot 1 |
 Black Cohosh |
 American Bugbane 2 |
 White Bergamot 1 |
 White Bergamot 2 |
 Hairy Wood Mint 1 |
 Hairy Wood Mint 1 |
 Mountain Mint |
 Three-birds Orchid 1 |
 Three-birds Orchid 2 |
 White Monkshood 1 |
 White Monkshood 2 |
 Mapleleaf Alumroot 1 |
 Mapleleaf Alumroot 2 |
 Sweet Autumn Clematis |
 Morning Glory |
 Ox-eye Daisy |
 Pale Jewelweed - white variety |
 Starry Campion 1 |
 Starry Campion |
 Bladder Campion |
 Striped Wintergreen 1 |
 Striped Wintergreen 2 |
 Ramp 1 |
 Ramp 2 |
 White Aster 1 |
 White Wood Aster |
 Whorled Wood Aster |
 White Aster 2 |
 White Aster 3 |
 White Sweet Clover |
 Lopseed 1 |
 Lopseed 2 |
 Eastern Featherbells 1 |
 Eastern Featherbells 2 |
 False Asphodel 1 |
 False Asphodel 2 |
 Rattlesnake Plantain 1 |
 Rattlesnake Plantain 2 |
 Rattlesnake Plantain 3 |
 Ladies' Tresses 1 |
 Ladies' Tresses 2 |
 Ladies' Tresses 3 |
 Grass of Parnassus 1 |
 Grass of Parnassus 2 |
 Grass of Parnassus 3 |
 Grass of Parnassus 4 |
 Scentless Mock Orange 1 |
 Scentless Mock Orange 2 |
 Tall Rattlesnake-root |
 Wild Comfrey |
 Miami Mist 1 |
 Miami Mist 2 |
 Thyme-leaved Bluet 1 |
 Thyme-leaved Bluet 2 |
 Azure Bluet 1 |
 Bluet Flowers |
 Bluet and Moss |
 White Bluet |
 Tiny Bluet 1 |
 Tiny Bluet 2 |
 Bluets along the Blue Ridge Parkway |
 Summer Bluet 1 |
 Summer Bluet 2 |
 Summer Bluet 3 |
 Field Madder aka Spurwort |
 Longleaf Summer Bluet |
 Dayflower |
 Blue Dogbane 1 aka Bluestar |
 Blue Dogbane 2 aka Bluestar |
 Blue Dogbane 3 aka Bluestar |
 Wild Comfrey 1 |
 Wild Comfrey 2 |
 Speedwell |
 Forget Me Not |
 Blue Toadflax 1 |
 Blue Toadflax 2 |
 Carolina Horsenettle 1 |
 Carolina Horsenettle 2 |
 Blue-eyed Mary 1 |
 Blue-eyed Mary 2 |
 Jacob's Ladder |
 Blue-eyed Grass 1 |
 Blue-eyed Grass 2 |
 Carolina Elephants' Foot 1 |
 Carolina Elephants' Foot 2 |
 Southern Blue Monkshood 1 |
 Southern Blue Monkshood 2 |
 Southern Blue Monkshood 3 |
 Southern Blue Monkshood 4 |
 Great Blue Lobelia 1 |
 Great Blue Lobelia 2 |
 Downy Lobelia 1 |
 Downy Lobelia 2 |
 Downy Lobelia 3 |
 Downy Lobelia 4 |
 Unknown Lobelia 1 |
 Indian Tobacco 1 |
 Indian Tobacco 2 |
 Indian Tobacco 3 |
 Indian Tobacco 4 |
 Dwarf Larkspur 1 |
 Dwarf Larkspur 2 |
 Dwarf Larkspur 3 |
 Dwarf Larkspur 4 |
 Purple Violet 3 |
 Purple Violets with Fringed Phacelia |
 Purple Violet 1 |
 Purple Violet 2 |
 Field Pansy 1 |
 Field Pansy 2 |
 Longspur Violet 1 |
 Longspur Violet 2 |
 Longspur Violet 3 |
 Birdfoot Violet 1 |
 Birdfoot Violet 2 |
 Birdfoot Violet 3 |
 Birdfoot Violet 4 |
 Birdfoot Violet 5 |
 Arrowleaf Violet 1 |
 Arrowleaf Violet 2 |
 Early Blue Violet 1 |
 Early Blue Violet 2 |
 Bi-color Violet 1 |
 Bi-color Violet 2 |
 Sweet Pinesap aka Pygmy Pipes |
 Pennywort 3 |
 Lyreleaf Sage |
 Ground Ivy |
 Purple Phacelia 1 |
 Purple Phacelia 2 |
 Purple Phacelia 3 |
 Purple Phacelia 4 |
 Wild Geranium 1 |
 Wild Geranium 2 |
 Wild Geranium 3 |
 Wild Geranium 4 |
 Wild Geranium 5 |
 Wild Geranium & Fringed Phacelia |
 Geranium Petals |
 Dwarf Crested Iris 1 |
 Dwarf Crested Iris 2 |
 Dwarf Iris 1 |
 Robin's Plantain 2 |
 Robin's Plantain 3 |
 White Butterfly on Phlox |
 Hover Fly on Phlox |
 Carolina Geranium 1 |
 Carolina Geranium 2 |
 Cutleaf Geranium |
 Hissopleaf Skullcap 1 |
 Hissopleaf Skullcap 2 |
 Southern Showy Skullcap 1 |
 Southern Showy Skullcap 2 |
 Carolina Wild Petunia 1 |
 Carolina Wild Petunia 2 |
 Pigeonwings |
 Littleleaf Sensitive Briar 1 |
 Littleleaf Sensitive Briar 2 |
 Large Purple Fringed Orchid |
 Small Purple Fringed Orchid 1 |
 Small Purple Fringed Orchid 2 |
 Hairystem Spiderwort 1 |
 Hairystem Spiderwort 2 |
 Hairystem Spiderwort 3 |
 Virginia Spiderwort 1 |
 Virginia Spiderwort 2 |
 Virginia Spiderwort 3 |
 Virginia Spiderwort 4 |
 Hairy-stem Spiderwort 1 |
 Hairy-stem Spiderwort 2 |
 Hairy-stem Spiderwort 3 |
 Grass Pink |
 Common Selfheal 1 |
 Common Selfheal 2 |
 Venus Looking Glass |
 Tall Bellflower 1 |
 Tall Bellflower 2 |
 Violet Wood Sorrell |
 Blazing Star |
 Heller's Blazing Star 1 |
 Heller's Blazing Star 2 |
 False Indigo Bush |
 Ironweed 1 |
 Ironweed 2 |
 Purple Aster 1 |
 Purple Aster 2 |
 Purple Aster 3 |
 Purple Aster 4 |
 Purple Aster 5 |
 Purple Aster 6 |
 Purple Aster 7 |
 Purple Aster 8 |
 Purple Aster 9 |
 Showy Gentian 1 |
 Showy Gentian 2 |
 Stiff Gentian 1 |
 Stiff Gentian 2 |
 Balsam Mountain Gentian 1 |
 Field Thistle |
 Spotted Knapweed 1 |
 Nodding Wild Onion |
 Joe-Pye Weed 1 |
 Joe-Pye Weed 2 |
 Southern Harebell |
 Slenderleaf False Foxglove 1 |
 Slenderleaf False Foxglove 2 |
 Slenderleaf False Foxglove 3 |
 Purple False Foxglove aka Purple Gerardia |
 Bee on Purple False Foxglove |
 Monkey Flower |
 Lavender Bee Balm 1 |
 Lavender Bee Balm 2 |
 Cleistes Orchid |
 Trailing Arbutus 1 |
 Trailing Arbutus 2 |
 Trailing Arbutus 3 |
 Carolina Spring Beauty 1 |
 Carolina Spring Beauty 2 |
 Carolina Spring Beauty 3 |
 Virginia Spring Beauty 1 |
 Virginia Spring Beauty 2 |
 Elf Orpine 1 |
 Elf Orpine 2 |
 Elf Orpine 3 |
 Elf Orpine 4 |
 Elf Orpine 5 |
 Polygala 1 |
 Polygala 2 |
 Showy Orchis 1 |
 Showy Orchis 2 |
 Showy Orchis 3 |
 Showy Orchis 4 |
 Showy Orchis 5 |
 Large White Trillium 6 |
 Catesby's Trillium 1 |
 Catesby's Trillium 2 |
 Catesby's Trillium 3 |
 Catesby's Trillium 4 |
 Catesby's Trillium 6 |
 Catesby's Trillium 7 |
 Catesby's Trillium 8 |
 Swamp Pink 1 |
 Swamp Pink 2 |
 Swamp Pink 3 |
 Swamp Pink 4 |
 Swamp Pink 5 |
 Grass Pink |
 Grass Pink and Mountain Pitcher Plants |
 Rose Pogonia |
 Large Spreading Pogonia |
 Mountain Laurel 1 |
 Mountain Laurel 2 |
 Pink Shell Azalea 1 |
 Pink Shell Azalea 2 |
 Pink Shell Azalea 3 |
 Pink Shell Azalea 4 |
 Carolina Rhododendron 3 |
 Catawba Rhododendron 1 |
 Catawba Rhododendron 2 |
 Catawba Rhododendron 3 |
 Rosebay Rhododendron 1 |
 Creeping Phlox |
 Pink Lady Slippers 1 |
 Pink Lady Slippers 2 |
 Pink Lady Slippers 3 |
 Pink Lady Slippers 5 |
 Pink Lady Slippers 4 |
 Pink Lady Slippers 6 |
 Purple-flowering Raspberry |
 Deptford Pink 1 |
 Deptford Pink 2 |
 Deptford Pink 3 |
 Deptford Pink 4 |
 Common Milkweed 1 |
 Common Milkweed 2 |
 Fall Phlox 1 |
 Fall Phlox 2 |
 Phlox 4 |
 Phlox bud |
 Beardtongue 1 |
 Beardtongue 2 |
 Beardtongue 3 |
 Pale Corydalis |
 Nodding Wild Onion |
 Curtiss' Milkwort |
 Hedge Nettle 1 |
 Hedge Nettle 2 |
 Hedge Bindweed |
 Fireweed 1 |
 Fireweed 2 |
 Virginia Meadow Beauty |
 Bitterbloom |
 Turtlehead |
 Pink Aster 1 |
 Southern Red Trillium 1 |
 Southern Red Trillium 2 |
 Vaseys Trillium |
 Vaseys Trillium 2 |
 a nodding Trillium 1 |
 Wake Robin 1 |
 Wake Robin 3 |
 Carolina Allspice |
 Indian Pink |
 Fire Pink 1 |
 Fire Pink 2 |
 Cardinal Flower |
 Scarlet Bee Balm 1 |
 Ginseng |
 Indian Paintbrush 1 |
 Indian Paintbrush 2 |
 Indian Paintbrush 3 |
 Gray's Lily 1 |
 Gray's Lily 2 |
 Gray's Lily 3 |
 Columbine 1 |
 Columbine 2 |
 Columbine 3 |
 Columbine 4 |
 Orange Hawkweed |
 Butterfly Milkweed 1 |
 Butterfly Milkweed 2 |
 Turk's Cap Lily 1 |
 Turk's Cap Lily 2 |
 Turk's Cap Lily 3 |
 Turk's Cap Lily 4 |
 Carolina Lily 1 |
 Carolina Lily 2 |
 Jewel Weed 1 |
 Yellow Fringed Orchid 1 |
 Yellow Fringed Orchid 2 |
 Bursting-heart aka Hearts-a-bustin' |
 Flame Azalea 1 |
 Flame Azalea 2 |
 Flame Azalea 3 |
 Flame Azalea 4 |
 Flame Azalea & Mountain Laurel |
 Yellowroot |
 Blue Cohosh 1 |
 Blue Cohosh 2 |
 Blue Cohosh 3 |
 Blue Cohosh 4 |
 Canadian Black Snakeroot |
 Nodding Mandarin 1 |
 Nodding Mandarin 2 |
 Rose Twisted Stalk |
 Yellow Mandarin 1 |
 Yellow Mandarin 2 |
 Yellow Mandarin 3 |
 Indian Cucumber 1 |
 Indian Cucumber 2 |
 Indian Cucumber 3 |
 Blisterwort 1 |
 Blisterwort 2 |
 Lousewort 1 aka Canadian Wood Betony |
 Lousewort 2 aka Canadian Wood Betony |
 Rugel's Indian Plantain 1 |
 Rugel's Indian Plantain 2 |
 Prairie Trillium |
 Toadshade Trillium 1 |
 Toadshade Trillium 2 |
 Toadshade Trillium 3 |
 Toadshade Trillium 4 |
 Toadshade Trillium 5 |
 Toadshade Trillium 5 |
 Yellow Trillium 1 |
 Yellow Trillium 2 |
 Yellow Trillium 3 |
 Yellow Trillium & Wild Iris |
 Pale Yellow Trillium 1 |
 Pale Yellow Trillium 2 |
 Pale Yellow Trillium 3 |
 Green and Gold 1 |
 Green and Gold 2 |
 Green and Gold 3 |
 Green and Gold 4 |
 Yellow Fumewort 1 aka Yellow Corydalis |
 Yellow Fumewort 2 aka Yellow Corydalis |
 Halberd-leaf Yellow Violet 1 |
 Halberdleaf Yellow Violet 2 |
 Roundleaf Yellow Violet 1 |
 Roundleaf Yellow Violet 2 |
 Downy Yellow Violet 1 |
 Downy Yellow Violet 2 |
 Downy Yellow Violet 3 |
 Indian Strawberry |
 Dwarf Cinquefoil |
 Buttercup 1 |
 Buttercup 2 |
 Golden Alexanders |
 Dandelion |
 dandelion seed |
 Trout Lily 1 |
 Trout Lily 2 |
 Trout Lily 3 |
 Trout Lily 4 |
 Solomon's Seal 1 |
 Solomon's Seal 2 |
 Roundleaf Ragwort 1 |
 Roundleaf Ragwort 2 |
 Wooly Ragwort 1 |
 Wooly Ragwort 2 |
 Ragwort 1 |
 Ragwort 2 |
 Ragwort 3 |
 Ragwort 4 |
 Thousand-leaf Groundsel 1 |
 Thousand-leaf Groundsel 2 - foliage |
 False Hellebore 1 |
 False Hellebore 2 |
 Sessile-leaf Bellwort 1 |
 Sessile-leaf Bellwort 2 |
 Sessile-leaf Bellwort 3 |
 Mountain Bellwort 1 |
 Mountain Bellwort 2 |
 Perfoliate Bellwort 1 |
 Perfoliate Bellwort 2 |
 Perfoliate Bellwort 3 |
 Perfoliate Bellwort 4 |
 Perfoliate Bellwort 5 |
 Large Flowered Bellwort |
 Prickly Pear Cactus |
 Yellow Stargrass 1 |
 Yellow Stargrass 2 |
 Yellow Stargrass |
 Wintercress 1 |
 Wintercress 2 |
 Yellow Lady's Slipper 1 |
 Yellow Lady's Slipper 2 |
 Yellow Lady's Slipper 3 |
 Horned Bladderwort 1 |
 Horned Bladderwort 2 |
 Bluebead Lily 1 |
 Bluebead Lily 2 |
 Bog Yellow-eyed Grass 1 |
 Bog Yellow-eyed Grass 2 |
 Sundrop |
 Common Evening Primrose |
 Downy Yellow False Foxglove |
 Fern-leaved False Foxglove |
 Prickly Sowthistle 1 |
 Prickly Sowthistle 2 |
 Rattlesnake Weed 1 |
 Rattlesnake Weed 2 |
 Mouse-eared Hawkweed |
 Hawkweed |
 Lanceleaf Loosestrife 1 |
 Lanceleaf Loosestrife 2 |
 Lanceleaf Loosestrife 3 |
 Whorled Loosestrife 1 |
 Whorled Loosestrife 2 |
 Whorled Loosestrife 3 |
 Seedbox aka Water Primrose |
 Black-eyed Susan 1 |
 Black-eyed Susan 2 |
 Black-eyed Susan 3 |
 Cutleaf Coneflower 1 |
 Cutleaf Coneflower 2 |
 Sunflower 1 |
 Sunflower 2 |
 Sunflower 3 |
 Sunflower 4 |
 Lance-leaved Coreopsis 1 |
 Lance-leaved Coreopsis 2 |
 Whorled Coreopsis |
 Carolina Bush Pea 1 |
 Carolina Bush Pea 2 |
 St Johnswort 1 |
 St Johnswort 2 |
 Spotted St Johnswort |
 St Andrew's Cross 1 |
 St Andrew's Cross 2 |
 Pale Yellow Jewelweed |
 Common Mullein |
 Agrimony |
 Grass-leaf Golden Aster |
 Camphorweed (?) |
 Goldenrod 1 |
 Goldenrod 2 |
 Goldenrod 3 |
 Goldenrod 4 |
 Fernleaf Yellow False Foxglove 1 |
 Fernleaf Yellow False Foxglove 2 |
 Yellow Jessamine |
 Largeflower Heartleaf 1 |
 Largeflower Heartleaf 2 |
 Largeflower Heartleaf 3 |
 Largeflower Heartleaf 4 |
 Largeflower Heartleaf 5 |
 Spring Coralroot Orchid 1 |
 Spring Coralroot Orchid 2 |
 Spring Coralroot Orchid 3 |
 Lily-leaved Twayblade |
 Kidneyleaf Twayblade Orchid |
 Twayblade close up |
 Clubspur Orchid 1 |
 Clubspur Orchid 2 |
 Clubspur Orchid 3 |
 Green Adder's Mouth Orchid 1 |
 Green Adder's Mouth Orchid 2 |
 Cranefly Orchid 1 |
 Cranefly Orchid 2 |
 Green Fly Orchid 1 |
 Green Fly Orchid 2 |
 Puttyroot Orchid 1 |
 Puttyroot Orchid 2 |
 Jack in the Pulpit 1 |
 Jack in the Pulpit 2 |
 Roundleaf Sundew 1 |
 Roundleaf Sundew 2 |
 Roundleaf Sundew 3 |
 Roundleaf Sundew 4 |
 Roundleaf Sundew 5 |
 Roundleaf Sundew 6 |
 Roundleaf Sundew 7 |
 Roundleaf Sundew 8 |
 Mountain Sweet Pitcher Plant 1 |
 Mountain Sweet Pitcher Plant 2 |
 Mountain Sweet Pitcher Plant 3 |
 Fern Frond 1 |
 Fern Frond 2 |
 Fern Frond 3 |
 Indian Pipes 1 |
 Pinesap 1 |
 Sweet Pinesap 1 |
 Sweet Pinesap 2 |
 Beechdrops 1 |
 Beechdrops 2 |
 American Cancer Root 1 |
 American Cancer Root 2 |