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Rich Stevenson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Southern Appalachian Wildflowers tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Southern Appalachian Wildflowers

There are literally hundreds of varieties of wildflowers in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Blooming begins in March and continues into late October and early November. I've kind of arranged this gallery by color, so hopefully that will make it easier for you to find a flower you are trying to ID. I've also added separate galleries on the first page for specific types of flowers like trilliums, violets and native orchids so all of those will be grouped together since they vary in color.

A very few of the flowers here are not native to this area and might be an invasive species. If you spot an incorrect ID, feel free to let me know. I use several books and online sources and do the best I can. Please click on the thumbnail for a larger image.
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