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Rich Stevenson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2007 Waterfalls & Other Adventures tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

2007 Waterfalls & Other Adventures

2007 was a great year! This way of displaying images has proved to be very popular with visitors to my web site and I'll continue to present them this way in 2008. The images are in order - the most recent are at the end. More information about some of these waterfalls can be found at my main web site at
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waterfall on Poundingmill Branch
waterfall on Poundingmill Branch
waterfall on Poundingmill Branch
waterfall on Poundingmill Branch
waterfall in Bennett Cove
waterfall in Bennett Cove
waterfall in Bennett Cove
waterfall in Bennett Cove
waterfall in Bennett Cove
waterfall in Bennett Cove
Midnight Hole
Midnight Hole
Midnight Hole
Midnight Hole
Mouse Creek Falls
Mouse Creek Falls
Mouse Creek Falls
Mouse Creek Falls
Toms Creek Falls
Toms Creek Falls
Toms Creek Falls
Toms Creek Falls
Toms Creek Falls
Toms Creek Falls
Old Mica Mine
Old Mica Mine
Grassy Creek Falls
Grassy Creek Falls
Grassy Creek Falls
Grassy Creek Falls
Grassy Creek Falls
Grassy Creek Falls
Grassy Creek Falls
Grassy Creek Falls
waterfall near Bennett Gap
waterfall near Bennett Gap
waterfall near Bennett Gap
waterfall near Bennett Gap
waterfall near Bennett Gap
waterfall near Bennett Gap
upper section
upper section
waterfall on Pigeon Branch
waterfall on Pigeon Branch
waterfall on Pigeon Branch
waterfall on Pigeon Branch
Station Cove Falls
Station Cove Falls
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