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Lots of Venice California People


There are 5 pages of thumbnails in this gallery alone

If you have enough memory on your computer I suggest you click "ALL" below and you can scroll through them all in one place.

*****This gallery pulls together all the shots from the "Newly Added Pix" galleries that do NOT also exist in other galleries. I've tried to group some of them together by original date and/or subject rather than the order they were originally posted here at venicepix. Hopefully this will make it easier to scan thumbnails for a particular picture or person.
*****The "Newly Added Pix" galleries still exist in their original form within the "Newly Added Pix Archive". Only the most recent is still available on the main page.
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The Mystery Locals.jpg
The Mystery Locals.jpg
00121 scanpix Kara April 79.jpg
00121 scanpix Kara April 79.jpg
00263 103-24 Karra 7-9-78.jpg
00263 103-24 Karra 7-9-78.jpg
00326 09-26 76or77.jpg
00326 09-26 76or77.jpg
00410 167-07 Morgan  8-14-79.jpg
00410 167-07 Morgan 8-14-79.jpg
00841 05-21A Morgan Spring77.jpg
00841 05-21A Morgan Spring77.jpg
00092 20-05 June77.jpg
00092 20-05 June77.jpg
00604 112-35A Robin 8-9-78.jpg
00604 112-35A Robin 8-9-78.jpg
00848 41-30 10-1-77.jpg
00848 41-30 10-1-77.jpg
00847 41-34 10-7-77.jpg
00847 41-34 10-7-77.jpg
00545 01-19 Kathy Spring77.jpg
00545 01-19 Kathy Spring77.jpg
02280 06-36 Spring 77 Kathy.jpg
02280 06-36 Spring 77 Kathy.jpg
00676 scanpix 1977.jpg
00676 scanpix 1977.jpg
Jerry  07-17A Spring 77.jpg
Jerry 07-17A Spring 77.jpg
Kathy and Brothers.jpg
Kathy and Brothers.jpg
00487 scanpix Soren.jpg
00487 scanpix Soren.jpg
00854 59-41A 11-25-77.jpg
00854 59-41A 11-25-77.jpg
00701 scanpix 12-24 May77.jpg
00701 scanpix 12-24 May77.jpg
00220 scanpix.jpg
00220 scanpix.jpg
00507 Scanpix Jesse.jpg
00507 Scanpix Jesse.jpg
00489 scanpix Bela? April79.jpg
00489 scanpix Bela? April79.jpg
02399 13-21A May 77 SM Pier Bobo.jpg
02399 13-21A May 77 SM Pier Bobo.jpg
01104 scanpix Kevin Kori Eric Craig.jpg
01104 scanpix Kevin Kori Eric Craig.jpg
01111 Kevin Robbie 97-18A.jpg
01111 Kevin Robbie 97-18A.jpg
01108 scanpix.jpg
01108 scanpix.jpg
00683 scanpix.jpg
00683 scanpix.jpg
00716 scanpix.jpg
00716 scanpix.jpg
00857 55-32A 11-19-77.jpg
00857 55-32A 11-19-77.jpg
00858 55-31A 11-19-77.jpg
00858 55-31A 11-19-77.jpg
00681 scanpix 11-14-86.jpg
00681 scanpix 11-14-86.jpg
00265 89-8A prudy 4-9-78.jpg
00265 89-8A prudy 4-9-78.jpg
00851 55-25A 11-19-77.jpg
00851 55-25A 11-19-77.jpg
00896 scanpix.jpg
00896 scanpix.jpg
00850 54-17 11-9-77.jpg
00850 54-17 11-9-77.jpg
Dylan 9-11-77 new scan.jpg
Dylan 9-11-77 new scan.jpg
Dylan 9-11-77 new scan detail.jpg
Dylan 9-11-77 new scan detail.jpg
00843 37-27 9-11-77.jpg
00843 37-27 9-11-77.jpg
00845 40-30 10-1-77.jpg
00845 40-30 10-1-77.jpg
00852 55-24A 11-19-77.jpg
00852 55-24A 11-19-77.jpg
01096 scanpix.jpg
01096 scanpix.jpg
01115 scanpix Byron.jpg
01115 scanpix Byron.jpg
00113 112-40 Byron.jpg
00113 112-40 Byron.jpg
00268 103-25 Byron and Becks 7-9-78.jpg
00268 103-25 Byron and Becks 7-9-78.jpg
Tim Hands.jpg
Tim Hands.jpg
00460 scanpix Tim Hands.jpg
00460 scanpix Tim Hands.jpg
00992 02-16 Tim Hands 1976-77.jpg
00992 02-16 Tim Hands 1976-77.jpg
02294 13-08 May 77 Rodney.jpg
02294 13-08 May 77 Rodney.jpg
00486 scanpix 2-17-85.jpg
00486 scanpix 2-17-85.jpg
00993 93-01 Tim Hands 4-25-78.jpg
00993 93-01 Tim Hands 4-25-78.jpg
00995 scanpix Tim Hands.jpg
00995 scanpix Tim Hands.jpg
00339 scanpix Eric.jpg
00339 scanpix Eric.jpg
00405 138-2 1-18-79.jpg
00405 138-2 1-18-79.jpg
00387 103-21 7-9-78.jpg
00387 103-21 7-9-78.jpg
00411 167-08  8-14-79.jpg
00411 167-08 8-14-79.jpg
00846 40-32A 10-1-77.jpg
00846 40-32A 10-1-77.jpg
00409 222-39 DuaneB 1-1-81.jpg
00409 222-39 DuaneB 1-1-81.jpg
00406 18-36 Duane's Tattoo June77.jpg
00406 18-36 Duane's Tattoo June77.jpg
00333B 29-31A Clea 7-29-77.jpg
00333B 29-31A Clea 7-29-77.jpg
00334B 29-32A Clea 7-29-77.jpg
00334B 29-32A Clea 7-29-77.jpg
00844 40-29A 10-1-77.jpg
00844 40-29A 10-1-77.jpg
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