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Marina Skate Park December 24, 1978

Come on and take a walk through the new Marina Skate Park!
It's not quite finished and the Grand Opening won't be for a while, but it's Christmas vacation and they're letting people in to try it out. Dennis can get us in for free and also get us past the chain link visitors area. Who knows....maybe some big name skaters will show up later.....

I shot two rolls of film on this particular day. The proof sheets are dated December 24,1978, which would be the day on which I developed the film....possibly, but not necessarily the day on which they were shot. I've still got a few prints of the best pictures from the day, but for venicepix I wanted to go back to the negatives and, to make a long story short, I ended out scanning them all, cleaning up most of the scans, and posting most of those here. I could have edited the number down but I figured you could do that for yourselves. On the less exciting skatepix I've tried to keep cropping to a minimum so that you can see the park itself and some of the non-celebrity participants and observers too. If any of you regular folk should wander in here and recognize yourselves in the crowd........well, you can finally prove to that snot-nosed kid across the street that you actually WERE there back in the day, and not just feeding him a pile of bull!
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