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Tim van Woensel | all galleries >> Travel >> South Island, New Zealand > Locked Lighthouse, Westport
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24-SEP-2007 T. van Woensel

Locked Lighthouse, Westport

South Island, New Zealand

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Peter Sussex21-Mar-2008 20:39
Love the POV, if I see it longer, my legs begin trembling. Do I have fear of height? :))
François Fauchard02-Mar-2008 13:18
C'est parfaitement bien vu. A première vue, on se demande ce que c'est !
Guest 27-Jan-2008 21:59
Great shot Tim!
Walter Otto Koenig21-Nov-2007 15:39
Very nice. I found something similar half a world away:
Guest 18-Nov-2007 20:15
al59918-Nov-2007 01:52
I like the viewpoint
Tom Briggs15-Nov-2007 11:24
Great and unique shot, Tim ... voted
Guest 13-Nov-2007 07:00
I love the POV you have captured here Tim :-)
Luc VN12-Nov-2007 22:33
Interesting pov and good picture.
Paradoxal Studio Classic12-Nov-2007 21:31
Forbiden to go in?
... or to go out....
Barry S Moore12-Nov-2007 20:12
Great POV. Exposure in the sky is excellent too.