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Gary Hebert | all galleries >> National Parks of Canada >> Jasper National Park > Sunrise on Pyramid Mtn from Patricia Lake
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© 2003 © Gary Hebert

Sunrise on Pyramid Mtn from Patricia Lake

Jasper National Park, Canada

There is a haze from all the forest fires of 2003.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 13-Nov-2006 19:42
Great picture and colours.
Guest 26-May-2006 21:44
great composition.
Guest 23-May-2006 22:16
I like this one. Living flow of rock, water and trees.
Guest 23-May-2006 20:10
Love the image, strange red glow..
Pixel Shooter23-May-2006 03:15
Nice shot Gary, nice lighting and luv the mirror image :)
Bob Foisel27-Jan-2006 19:47
Beautiful, I also like the school photo, It reminds me of mine.
G.Pietro Munaretto28-Aug-2005 19:00
Zane Paxton01-Oct-2004 09:21
Very nice!
Pedro Libório25-Sep-2004 22:17
wonderful view and colors!
great shot.