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landscapes and monuments

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Thierry Lucas
Paris by night Storm at Le Croisic in France Arc de Triomphe vu des champs Elysées à Paris
Bateaux mouche sur la seine à Paris Notre-dame of Paris Atmospheres
Tour Eiffel sunset The light of wind Tour Eiffel and La Défense
Storm at Paris Sunset at Le Croisic (France) André Citroen park, Paris
g6/86/669186/3/63291303.jOaNN9cc.jpg Le Louvres museum at Paris Tour Eiffel close up
Storm at Paris Rivoli street at Paris Notre-dame de Paris
Fontaine place de la concorde à Paris Storm at Paris Paris shades and lights 1
L'arc et la flêche (The bow and the arrow) Cathédrale Notre-dame à Paris André Citroen Park and the Seine
Le Croisic port (France) Moon rise Place de la concorde (Paris) Alexander III bridge (Paris)
Port entry of Le Croisic (France) The Seine at night, Paris City of Sciences garden
Paris safari sunset Sunset at Paris 2 Street lighting in the fog
Place de la Concorde at Paris Twist mooring Bateau de promenade sur la cote sauvage du Croisic (France)
the sun rises at Ménilmontant (Paris) Le Croisic  (France) g4/86/669186/3/64095654.c69VhfLg.jpg
g6/86/669186/3/74055673.aQmoGiVE.jpg Sunset at Paris 1