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Postcard Tour of Zmigrod Nowy

This gallery includes copies of postcards from the town of Zmigrod Nowy. These copies were provided by a kind Krosno bookstore owner, Rafal Barski. The poor quality of these photos would be due to the fact that they are now copies of copies. To find out more abut this shtetl, go to:
This photo is courtesy of Tomy Wisniewski
(Date Unknown) Note the Polish flag and wagons

This photo is courtesy of Tomy Wisniewski

A View of the rynek (city center)
A View of the rynek (city center)
This postcard is dated 28 December 1929
This postcard is dated 28 December 1929
Although difficult to see, there is one streetlamp in the distant background.
Although difficult to see, there is one streetlamp in the distant background.
Another rynek view
Another rynek view
'General view' (at least that appears to be the translation)  of the town from afar.
'General view' (at least that appears to be the translation) of the town from afar.
Another 'general view' (widok ogolny)
Another 'general view' (widok ogolny)
Unfortunately, this arcade area no longer exists.  Many towns in the area have this form of architecture.
Unfortunately, this arcade area no longer exists. Many towns in the area have this form of architecture.
A view of the cemetery chapel (Catholic)
A view of the cemetery chapel (Catholic)
Rafal is an owner of a wonderful little used/new bookstore in Krosno.  He was the one who provided all of the Zmigrod Nowy postcards appearing in this gallery, except for the first one.  Ironically, this photo of him is on a postcard, which was made as a joke. It appears that Rafal and the co-owners of this bookstore enjoy playing jokes on each other. If you visit Krosno, stop by this store and chat with these delightful folks.
Rafal Barski, Krosno Bookstore Owner

Rafal is an owner of a wonderful little used/new bookstore in Krosno. He was the one who provided all of the Zmigrod Nowy postcards appearing in this gallery, except for the first one. Ironically, this photo of him is on a "postcard", which was made as a joke. It appears that Rafal and the co-owners of this bookstore enjoy playing jokes on each other. If you visit Krosno, stop by this store and chat with these delightful folks.