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Guitar Mania On The Streets Of Downtown Cleveland

  cleveland artists and other rock-stars designed and decorated large fibreglass guitars then scattered them around downtown cleveland. i can only recall credits of some of the artists and plan to go back and correct that.
though it does not have the guitars in their current surroundings the guitar-mania website is actually quite nice. here is a detailed map(PDF) of guitar locations..

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unity of song - katie ryan - erieside ave.   #42 winged splash guitar - melanie kaminsky - rock hall  #43
cleveland east 14th & euclid ave. cleveland - details
michael jackson naughty by nature - moodie, terri tufts charles fazzino - fazzinopolooza - rock hall  #53 michael - from behind
charles fazzino - fazzinopolooza - rock hall  #53 charles fazzino - fazzinopolooza - rock hall  #53 keith richards
eric carmen - return to fender - rock hall  #45 eric carmen - return to fender - rock hall  #45 yoko ono
mickey hart mickey hart arthur - graham nash - rock hall  #48
smash hit - philip Burke and frank v. coppola - rock hall  #51 cover the earth - pete paspalovski - williard park, east 9th  #55 smash hit - philip Burke and frank v. coppola - rock hall  #51
dead rock-stars dead rock-stars dead rock-stars
fine tune - howard koverman - euclid ave. & east 9th.  #75 euclid ave euclid ave
air guitar - earnie merritt & john lionti - euclid ave & huron rd.  #77 air guitar - earnie merritt & john lionti - euclid ave & huron rd.  #77 cleveland rocks
psycho rock hall city - mike prunty - public square  #18 psycho
rock hall city - mike prunty - public square  #18 living legend - grady hayes - jacobs field  #67 rock hall city - mike prunty - public square  #18
bw masterblasterstratocaster - michael greenwald - public square  #15 bw
we do great things together... - anna arnold - euclid ave. & east 13th.  #79 hanna we do great things together... - anna arnold - euclid ave. & east 13th.  #79
fountain park lakeside
memorial park us rear us
water zoo our future so bright - becksville, broadview hts school   #39
de-fender la bamba - joe walsh - rock hall  #49 de-fender
eat your fruits and vegetables - doug zachowski - public square  #16 eat your fruits and vegetables - doug zachowski - public square  #16 eat your fruits and vegetables - doug zachowski - public square  #16
rock it to me - don baker - mall b, st clair ave.  #31 pop culture - lisa ruschman -- jacobs field  #66 rock it to me - don baker - mall b, st clair ave.  #31
americas pastime - victoria heitman - jacobs field #68 americas pastime - victoria heitman - jacobs field #68 what so proudly we hail'd  - melanie kaminsky - jacobs field   #70
euclid ave masterblasterstratocaster - michael greenwald - public square  #15 what so proudly we hail'd  - melanie kaminsky  - jacobs field  #70
party in the park - omar vizquel(ss) - jacobs field  #69 hooked on cleveland hug your honey
a funky air-guitar - tom batiuk - east 36th & euclid  #87 a funky air-guitar - tom batiuk - east 36th & euclid  #87 a funky air-guitar - tom batiuk - east 36th & euclid  #87
hare guitar - sarah glazer - west 3rd & st.clair  #27 i get by with a little help from my... -  karen blados and arras creative team - east 12th & superior  #61 i get by with alil help from my... -  karen blados and arras creative team - east 12th & superior  #61
proud - martin boyle - east 9th & superior  #59 cleveland clouds cleveland clouds, backside
hooked on cleveland proud - martin boyle - east 9th & superior  #59 hooked on cleveland
friday! - don sak & steve garrett - 18th & superior  #86 friday! - don sak & steve garrett - 18th & superior  #86 w6th950sm.jpg
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