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Treas | all galleries >> Galleries >> Grand Canyon > Sunset Grand Canyon
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Sunset Grand Canyon

This image took 1st place in the 72nd Show & Tell Contest: Nature's Palette.

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Markus Grompe01-Mar-2008 17:51
What a great image... The Grand Canyon is on my list of places to visit. Haven't made it there yet. Too much nice stuff right here in Oregon.
Guest 02-Feb-2008 17:55
Great shot in so many ways - the colors, the light and shadow
.... just everything!
Congrats on winning the comp.

Mike :o)
M. Plonsky02-Feb-2008 05:11
The colors are fabulous. Congrats.
Milos Markovic02-Feb-2008 03:19
Outstanding mood and beautiful, divine lighting.
Bravo, Treas, congratulations!
Ray Rebortira02-Feb-2008 03:09
This is glorious. Bravo!!!
Enrico Martinuzzi01-Feb-2008 12:33
Gorgeous colours!
Guest 29-Jan-2008 20:43
beautiful !
Karen Mickleson29-Jan-2008 17:06
Stunning image. Beautiful work, lighting, composition.
Milan Vogrin11-Nov-2007 16:46
Superb view!V!
Guest 08-Nov-2007 19:51
Wow. My sister is an amazing photographer!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cyndie aka: Little Miss Pissy Pants.
mathilda williams08-Nov-2007 03:04
wow, so dramatic!!
very beautiful.
Jeff B.06-Nov-2007 19:40
Beautiful lighting/colors!
Guest 05-Nov-2007 17:25
Intense striking colors. Oustanding!!
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