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Yuan Ming Yuan

Visited Yuan Ming Yuan on May 16
The visit started with disappointment. Yuan Ming Yuan was burnt to the ground by alied forces, so there is nothing much to see. Whatever left is now being made into a theme park, with fun rides and all. Very disturbing. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the 10,000 Flower Maze. I love garden mazes and this one is huge. It started raining very soon after, and I took a boat ride back. This turns out to be the high point of my day. Riding in a paddle boat with raindrops splashing in the water in an almost deserted Yuan Ming Yuan. I will rememeber this wonderful experience for a long long time!
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Jian Bi Pavilion, sitting on a island in the lake.

Jian Bi Pavilion, sitting on a island in the lake.

The garden is full of islands and rivers.

The garden is full of islands and rivers.



Remains of some buildings.. ruins are all that is left of Yuan Ming Yuan.

Remains of some buildings.. ruins are all that is left of Yuan Ming Yuan.

Lotus pond overrun by wild grass.

Lotus pond overrun by wild grass.

Bridge in Lion Forest.

Bridge in Lion Forest.

The most famous set of ruins in Yuan Ming Yuan.

The most famous set of ruins in Yuan Ming Yuan.

This building is European style, and is made of stone.

This building is European style, and is made of stone.

Close up.

Close up.



Yuan Ming Yuan in its glory days.

Yuan Ming Yuan in its glory days.

List of all the unfair treaties signed by China in the course of history.

List of all the unfair treaties signed by China in the course of history.

Ruins of Shi Bei Qiao.

Ruins of Shi Bei Qiao.

Can almost imagine the original pavilion standing on this site.

Can almost imagine the original pavilion standing on this site.

Posed shot.

Posed shot.

10,000 Flower Maze. Fully restored.

10,000 Flower Maze. Fully restored.

It is a joy to wander around the maze.

It is a joy to wander around the maze.

Pavilion in the middle of the maze. That is the end point of the maze.

Pavilion in the middle of the maze. That is the end point of the maze.

Another tree in maze.

Another tree in maze.

It started raining, so I took a boat. I was the only passenger.

It started raining, so I took a boat. I was the only passenger.

Me in the boat.

Me in the boat.

Rain getting heavy.

Rain getting heavy.

Close up of Hui Xin bridge.

Close up of Hui Xin bridge.

Paddle boats.

Paddle boats.

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