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Glastonbury 2005

So I finally got to do a proper muddy Glasto. The 5 hour thunderstorm that we had on the Friday morning was so intense that it left a previously bone dry site in a quagmire with some of the camping areas under more than 3 feet of water. But did it dampen the spirits? Not a bit of it!

This year’s festival was also a slightly unusual experience because having pretty much flown solo for the last 3 years I was joined by 7 local mates for a stag weekend. Snowy, the Groom, is one of the guys I first went to Glasto with in ‘99. 2 others used to go to the festival in the 80’s & certainly noticed the difference. The other 4 were proper Glasto-virgins although those that I asked definitely said they’d come again.

Once again I’ve split the photos into 3 separate galleries. The first covers the sights to be seen around the festival, and yes there’s a fair bit of mud & water in there as well as plenty of the other stuff that makes Glastonbury so much more than just another music festival. The second is a pictorial record of the majority of the bands & acts I saw. Then finally plenty of smiles from my fellow stag weekenders as well as a selection of the many, many friends I have made at the festival & through assorted websites over the years.

Please enjoy my pictures of Glastonbury 2005.
:: Sights ::
:: Sounds ::
:: Smiles ::