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Topics >> by Ken Duckert >> People & Places

People & Places Photos
Topic maintained by Ken Duckert (see all topics)

These galleries contain images of interesting places around the world and the people we have encountered as we've traveled.

The California & Oregon Coast
The California & Oregon Coast
by Ken Duckert
White Sands of New Mexico II, 2008
White Sands of New Mexico II, 2008
by Ken Duckert
White Sands of New Mexico I, 2005
White Sands of New Mexico I, 2005
by Ken Duckert
Best From the Archives
Best From the Archives
by Ken Duckert
Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Fiesta, 2007
Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Fiesta, 2007
by Ken Duckert
The Pond on Robinson Lake Road
The Pond on Robinson Lake Road
by Ken Duckert
Puerto Vallerta, Mexico
Puerto Vallerta, Mexico
by Ken Duckert
North Woods
North Woods
by Ken Duckert
England, Wales, & Scotland
England, Wales, & Scotland
by Ken Duckert
2007 Travel Collage
2007 Travel Collage
by Ken Duckert
Morro Bay, California
Morro Bay, California
by Ken Duckert
The Au Sable River
The Au Sable River
by Ken Duckert
by Ken Duckert
Colores de Santa Fe
Colores de Santa Fe
by Ken Duckert