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Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal | all galleries >> Galleries >> Other wildlife >> Mammals >> Primates >> Bruine kapucijnaap - Brown capuchin monkey - Cebus apella > Bruine kapucijnaap - Brown capuchin monkey - Cebus apella
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Bruine kapucijnaap - Brown capuchin monkey - Cebus apella

Cock of the Rock lodge, Peru

Nikon D70
1/160s f/6.3 at 200.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 13-Jul-2011 16:01
Wonderful detail and great eye contact, excellent.
Tom LeRoy12-Jul-2011 14:46
Fantastic capture with so much clarity, details and light! Wonderful job, Rob!V!
Dominic Cantin11-Jul-2011 04:42
Excellent images Rob ! Reminds me some friends ;))

Dom :)
Hennie & Lies Lammers10-Jul-2011 21:20
Heel mooi plaatje Rob.
Fabienne10-Jul-2011 19:20
Absolument splendide et quelle expression ! c'est excellent.
Simon Chandler09-Jul-2011 22:22
Wow, excellent capture. Such great clarity with appealing tone. v
settler09-Jul-2011 15:02
Oh dear!..Great capture!!..V!
Suzanne Lanthier09-Jul-2011 02:11
The face looks almost human. Fantastic image Rob !
Lieve Snellings09-Jul-2011 01:23
wat een mooitje ! prachtig portret Rob ! V
Sonja Ross08-Jul-2011 23:39
Very nice capture.
jychamberland08-Jul-2011 22:54
beautiful sharp portrait Rob! nice details.
Ann Pettigrew08-Jul-2011 22:07
A very striking pose! Well done!
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet08-Jul-2011 18:47
Superb portrait.
Guest 08-Jul-2011 17:04
Very beautiful capture with gorgeous details and wonderful eye contact!
Claude Gagnon08-Jul-2011 16:16
Great picture! I love it :))
Guest 08-Jul-2011 14:19
A splendid looking fellow, serious contemplation, and photographed in crisp perfection. V
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