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Tom Frizelle | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Andy Stoker 08-Apr-2008 18:04
Tom, What luck to find your pictures and see your life through your camera. I hope life is good with you - it's been 16 years and I hope when you get this you'll drop me a line. I'd love to hear what you have been doing all this time. My best!
Gromit 10-Oct-2007 16:45
BrIlLiAnCe Is BoUrNe Of PaSsIoN aNd PaIn...
Guest 22-Jun-2007 05:18
One world. Stunning.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:48
Tears to my eyes...almost.
Guest 26-Oct-2006 14:21
Hi Tom:

Great shots. Vibrant colors. Nice work.
Guest 15-Mar-2006 04:35
hey tom your pictures are crisp and colorful...much love
Peter Chou25-Mar-2005 01:16
Excellent composition and beautiful landscapes! Keep those images coming!
kimberly borchardt20-Mar-2005 02:12
Hi Ryan,
Being impressed with your compositions, and noting you shoot with the Kodak 14n, I'd like to know if you're aware of the Kodak Challenge galleries, and invite you to contribute in upcoming competitions.
You do beautiful work!
Guest 13-Mar-2005 00:55
I am truly impressed with your eye for composition. Your galleries are among my favorites. Keep up your excellent work and thank you for sharing them with us.
gerard belbeoch06-Mar-2005 17:50
very stunny ,extra ,i like very much
Paul, Ulli and Samuel 19-Jan-2005 13:47
absolutely stunning artwork!