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Tom Briggs | all galleries >> Galleries >> 1966 HONG KONG > Entry to Tiger Balm Gardens ...
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1966 tom briggs

Entry to Tiger Balm Gardens ...

Hong Kong

Tiger Balm Gardens, more formally known as Aw Boon Haw Gardens, were the creation of Mr. Aw Boon Haw, who made his fortune from the sale of the popular creative balm of the same name (Tiger Balm). Built in 1935 at the cost of HK$16 million, the 7.5 acre site was a surrealistic conglomeration of colorful concrete animals, pagodas, religious figures and numerous characters of Chinese mythology. It was located in the midst of high-rise apartments at the edge of Causeway Bay and was sometimes referred to as 'the Chinese Disneyland'. A similar Tiger Balm Garden was located in Singapore. The HK garden has long since been demolished and is now a part of HK's storied history.

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XiaoBernard9913-Nov-2007 14:06
nice with the deep of view,
Yiannis Pavlis08-Oct-2007 02:43
Great composition and presentation. Superb work my friend.V
Guest 23-Jun-2007 21:40
This is 5 minutes from where I live and I have no picture of this place. Thanks for sharing this old memory of HK here. Great job.
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