... photo was taken in 1974 through the periscope of a Russian nuclear submarine in the Atlantic Ocean during the peak of the Cold War. Note the cross hairs on the periscope. The photo was presented to me during a recent visit to St Petersburg, Russia, by the sub's Navigator, Commander Pavel Borodulkin. He stated that soon after the photo was taken, the US Navy Destroyers escorting the carriers raced at him and they crash-dived. As most of you may recall, this was a dangerous cat-and-mouse game that was played at sea by both countries for a number of years.
NOTE: See the following comment from Commander Borodulkin which corrects and enlarges the scene above: Pavel Borodulkin pavel-borodulkin@yandex.ru private | delete 18-Feb-2009 10:06
Dear Tom! I looked your information with great interest.Thanks that photo I took many years ago used optical system of periscope is in central place in your exposition. But I want to say about small inaccuracy. Some words about those events.
It was 1974. Soviet airplane IL-38 found American aircraft carrier Nimitz with two escort ships near eastern coast. This were atomic guided missile frigats- S.Carolina and California. We have got the order- search this detachment and be ready to the next events (as you know it was a cold war). We made that and this photo is a small part of job only. 3 days we convoied Nimitz. After this we was changed by Soviet frigat "Admiral Nakhimov". There was a big storm ( you can see a quality of the card).Two sailors in our submarin have got "marin disease" at a depth 40 metres. We thought about American crew. They are very hard. And we did not worry to be finded. American sonar worked always like "search" and not like "convoy". So our stealth was high.
We respected our opponents (then- possible enemy) and carried out all rules the game. That is all. Tom, thank you for the memory medal. I am very glad our common job in S.Petersburg. Sorry my English. My best wishes. Pavel Borodulkin.
P.S. Don`t correct text in your site. Let`s Americans be sure- they are stronger!