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Michael Todd Thorpe | profile | all galleries >> PAD Alternates >> PAD Alternates 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

PAD Alternates 2005

These are the alternate photos and occasional extra shots that didn't make it in to my Photo A Day Gallery.
January 9th 2005 PAD alt- Warm Cookie
January 9th 2005 PAD alt- Warm Cookie
January 26th PAD Alt - Rain
January 26th PAD Alt - Rain
January 29th 2005  PAD Alternate
January 29th 2005 PAD Alternate
Unadulterated Flash At Night
Unadulterated Flash At Night
February 4th - PAD Alternate
February 4th - PAD Alternate
February 11th - PAD Alternate
February 11th - PAD Alternate
February 14th - Valentine's Alt
February 14th - Valentine's Alt
February 19th - PAD Alt
February 19th - PAD Alt
March 3rd - How It's Done
March 3rd - How It's Done
March 15th - PAD Alt
March 15th - PAD Alt
March 15th - PAD Alt
March 15th - PAD Alt
March 19th - PAD Alt
March 19th - PAD Alt
March 23 - PAD Alt
March 23 - PAD Alt
April 7th - PAD Alt
April 7th - PAD Alt
April 7th - PAD Alt
April 7th - PAD Alt
April 7th - PAD Alt
April 7th - PAD Alt
April 9th - PAD Alt: Sam
April 9th - PAD Alt: Sam
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 22nd PAD Alt -
April 23rd - PAD Alt
April 23rd - PAD Alt
May 5th PAD Alternate - Piņata
May 5th PAD Alternate - Piņata
May 7th - PAD Alt
May 7th - PAD Alt
May 14th - PAD ALT
May 14th - PAD ALT
May 17th -PAD Alternate - Sophie
May 17th -PAD Alternate - Sophie
May 18th - PAD Alt - Just A Sip
May 18th - PAD Alt - Just A Sip
Triumph Wheel
Triumph Wheel
Mike in Color
Mike in Color
June 19th Alt - How It's Done
June 19th Alt - How It's Done
July 4th Alternate
July 4th Alternate
July 4th - Alternate
July 4th - Alternate
July 11th Alt - 1715 #2
July 11th Alt - 1715 #2
July 14th - PAD Alternate
July 14th - PAD Alternate
July 28th - PAD Alternate
July 28th - PAD Alternate
August 12th - PAD Alternate
August 12th - PAD Alternate
October 9th - PAD Alternate
October 9th - PAD Alternate
October 30th - PAD Alternate
October 30th - PAD Alternate
November 8th - PAD Alternate
November 8th - PAD Alternate
Anton Bauer, Panasonic, Sony, Canon!
Anton Bauer, Panasonic, Sony, Canon!
Not Quite Steadicam
Not Quite Steadicam
Human Dolly Shot
Human Dolly Shot
Now Smile!
Now Smile!
What Next?
What Next?
Get A Focus
Get A Focus
Seriously Marco
Seriously Marco
November 20th - PAD Alternate
November 20th - PAD Alternate
December 17th - PAD Alternate
December 17th - PAD Alternate