:: Tortricid Moths Needing ID's ::
 2706 - Bactra furfurana |
 2712 - Grape Berry Moth - Paralobesia viteana |
 2713 Paralobesia monotropana IMG_6119.jpg |
 Paralobesia sp. |
 Paralobesia sp. |
 2732 - Endothenia ?montanana |
 2732 - Endothenia ?montanana |
 2738 - Verbena Bud Moth - Endothenia hebesana |
 2745 - Spruce Needleminer Moth - Taniva albolineana IMG_4462.jpg |
 2747 - Hulda impudens |
 2750 - Broken-lined Zomaria - Zomaria interruptolineana |
 2763 Apotomis albeolana |
 2763 - Apotomis albeolana |
 2763 Apotomis albeolana |
 2769 Poplar Leafroller Moth Pseudosciaphila duplex |
 2769 - Poplar Leafroller - Pseudosciaphila duplex IMG_4132.jpg |
 2770 - Dusky Leafroller - Orthotaenia undulana |
 2771 - Macramι Moth - Phaecasiophora confixana |
 2771 Macramι Moth Phaecasiophora confixana IMG_5732.jpg |
 2771 Macramι Moth Phaecasiophora confixana or 2772 Labyrinth Moth Phaecasiophora niveiguttana IMG_5904.jpg |
 2771 - Macramι Moth - Phaecasiophora confixana IMG_4165.jpg |
 2772 - Labyrinth Moth - Phaecasiophora ?niveiguttana |
 2772 - Labyrinth Moth - Phaecasiophora ?niveiguttana |
 2776 - Olethreutes ?furfurana |
 2776 - Woolly-backed Moth - Olethreutes furfuranum |
 2776 - Woolly-backed Moth - Olethreutes furfuranum |
 2776 - Woolly-backed Moth - Olethreutes furfuranum |
 2776 - Woolly-backed Moth - Olethreutes furfuranum |
 2776 - Woolly-backed Moth Olethreutes furfuranum * |
 2776 - Woolly-backed Moth Olethreutes furfuranum |
 2776 - Woolly-backed Moth - Olethreutes furfuranum* |
 2776 - Woolly-backed Moth - Olethreutes furfuranum |
 2778 - Olivaceous Olethreutes - Olethreutes olivaceana |
 2781 - Olethreutes electrofuscum |
 2787 Bunchberry Leaffolder Moth Olethreutes connectum IMG_5703.jpg |
 2787 Bunchberry Leaffolder Moth Olethreutes connectum IMG_5598.jpg |
 2787 Bunchberry Leaffolder Moth Olethreutes connectum IMG_5598a.jpg |
 2788 Olethreutes inornatana IMG_5690.jpg |
 2788 - Inornate Olethreutes - Olethreutes inornatana |
 2799 - Olethreutes clavana |
 2800 Olethreutes nigranum IMG_5437.jpg |
 2800 Variable Nigranum Moth Olethreutes nigranum IMG_5458.jpg |
 2800 Variable Nigranum Moth Olethreutes nigranum IMG_5755.jpg |
 2803 Olethreutes merrickana |
 2804 Olethreutes hamameliana |
 2804 Olethreutes hamameliana IMG_6162.jpg |
 2804 - Olethreutes hamameliana IMG_4266.jpg |
 2809 - Olethreutes fagigemmeana |
 2810 Olethreutes sericoranum IMG_5413.jpg |
 2810 Olethreutes sericoranum IMG_5421.jpg |
 2810 Olethreutes sericoranum |
 2810 - Olethreutes sericorana |
 2813 Olethreutes baccatana IMG_5929.jpg |
 2813 Olethreutes baccatana IMG_6005.jpg |
 2817 - Raspberry Leafroller Moth - Olethreutes permundana |
 2817 - Raspberry Leafroller - Olethreutes permundana * |
 2820 Malana Leafroller Moth Olethreutes malana |
 2821 Serviceberry Leafroller Moth Olethreutes appendiceum IMG_5360.jpg |
 2821 - Serviceberry Leafroller - Olethreutes appendiceum |
 2821 - Serviceberry Leafroller - Olethreutes appendiceum |
 2821 - Serviceberry Leafroller - Olethreutes appendiceum |
 2821 - Serviceberry Leafroller - Olethreutes appendiceum |
 2823 - Banded Olethreutes - Olethreutes fasciatana |
 2823 Olethreutes fasciatana |
 2823 Olethreutes fasciatana IMG_5812.jpg |
 2823 - Banded Olethreutes - Olethreutes fasciatana IMG_4369.jpg |
 2823 - Banded Olethreutes - Olethreutes fasciatana IMG_4548.jpg |
 2823 Olethreutes fasciatana |
 2823 - Banded Olethreutes - Olethreutes fasciatana |
 2831 - Pristerognatha agilana |
 2837 The Astronomer Moth Olethreutes astrologana |
 2837 - The Astronomer Moth - Olethreutes astrologana IMG_4228.jpg |
 2837 - The Astronomer - Olethreutes astrologana |
 2837 - The Astronomer - Olethreutes astrologana |
 2859 - Celypha Moth - Celypha cespitana |
 2859 - Celypha Moth - Celypha cespitana |
 2859 - Celypha Moth - Celypha cespitana IMG_4098.jpg |
 2859 - Celypha Moth - Celypha cespitana IMG_4098 genitalia.jpg |
 2859 - Celypha Moth - Celypha cespitana |
 2859 - Celypha Moth - Celypha cespitana |
 2859 - Celypha Moth - Celypha cespitana |
 2859 - Celypha Moth - Celypha cespitana IMG_4131.jpg |
 2859 - Celypha Moth - Celypha cespitana IMG_4370.jpg |
 2859 Celypha Moth Celypha cespitana |
 2859 - Celypha Moth - Celypha cespitana |
 2860 - Pink-washed Leafroller - Metendothenia separatana IMG_3206.jpg |
 2861 - Off-white Hedya - Hedya ochroleucana |
 2861 Off-white Hedya Moth Hedya ochroleucana IMG_5408.jpg |
 2861 Off-white Hedya Moth Hedya ochroleucana IMG_5778.jpg |
 2862 - Green Budworm Moth - Hedya nubiferana IMG_4295.jpg |
 2864 - Hedya cyanana |
 2867 European Pine Shoot Moth Rhyacionia buoliana IMG_5407.jpg |
 2867 - European Pine Shoot Moth - Rhyacionia buoliana |
 2898 - Retinia gemistrigulana |
 2906 - Eye-spotted Bud Moth - Spilonota ocellana |
 2908 Phaneta radiatana |
 2913 - Eucosma ?umbrastriana |
 2916 - Beautiful Phaneta Moth - Eucosma formosana |
 2916 - Beautiful Eucosma - Eucosma formosana |
 2916 - Beautiful Eucosma - Eucosma ?formosana |
 3277 - Rhopobota dietziana |
 3277 - Rhopobota dietziana |
 2982 - Eucosma kiscana IMG_4245.jpg |
 3066 - Eastern Pine Shoot Borer - Eucopina gloriola IMG_3273.jpg |
 3074 - White Pinecone Borer - Eucosma tocullionana IMG_3223.jpg |
 3110 - Eucosmini no genus (Eucosma) gomonana |
 3110 Eucosma gomonana |
 3110.1 - Eucosma baggetti |
 3120 - Derelict Eucosma - Pelochrista derelicta IMG_5943.jpg |
 3120 - Derelict Pelochrista - Pelochrista derelicta |
 3172 - Ragweed Borer - Epiblema strenuana |
 3186 - Goldenrod Gall Moth - Epiblema scudderiana |
 3189 - Epiblema obfuscana |
 3189 - Epiblema obfuscana |
 3202 Bidens Borer Moth Epiblema otiosana IMG_5237.jpg |
 3202 - Bidens Borer - Epiblema otiosana IMG_4161.jpg |
 3203 - Brighton's Epiblema - Epiblema brightonana |
 3208 Doubleday's Notocelia Moth Notocelia rosaecolana IMG_5249.jpg |
 3208 - Doubleday's Notocelia - Notocelia rosaecolana |
 3223 - Gypsonoma fasciolana |
 3223 - Gypsonoma fasciolana |
 3227 - Gypsonoma substitutionis |
 3228 - Gypsonoma salicicolana |
 3230 - Maple Twig Borer - Proteoteras aesculana |
 3230 - Maple Twig Borer - Proteoteras aesculana |
 3230 - Maple Twig Borer - Proteoteras aesculana |
 3230 - Maple Twig Borer - Proteoteras aesculana |
 3230 - Maple Twig Borer - Proteoteras aesculana |
 3230 - Maple Twig Borer - Proteoteras aesculana |
 3233 - Black-crescent Proteoteras - Proteoteras crescentana IMG_4354.jpg |
 3234 - Proteoteras naracana |
 3247 - Pale Apple Leafroller - Pseudexentera ?mali |
 3247 - Pseudexentera mali |
 3251 - Bare-patched Oak Leafroller - Pseudexentera ?spoliana |
 3252 - Pseudexentera haracana |
 3252.1 - Pseudexentera sepia |
 3257 - Pseudexentera costomaculana |
 3258 - Pseudexentera virginiana |
 Pseudexentera sp. |
 Pseudexentera sp. |
 Pseudexentera sp. |
 Pseudexentera sp. |
 3259 - Arrowhead Moth - Gretchena deludana |
 3259 - Arrowhead Moth - ?Gretchena deludana |
 3261 - Gretchena watchungana |
 3261 - ?Gretchena watchungana |
 3261 - Gretchena watchungana |
 3261 - Gretchena watchungana |
 3261 - Gretchena watchungana? |
 3261 - Gretchena watchungana |
 3261 - Gretchena watchungana |
 3261 - Gretchena watchungana |
 3261 - Gretchena watchungana |
 3262 - Gretchena dulciana |
 3262 - Gretchena dulciana |
 3262 - Gretchena dulciana |
 3268 - Gretchena ?concitatricana |
 3276 - Holly Tortrix - Rhopobota naevana IMG_4631 |
 3276 - Holly Tortrix - Rhopobota naevana IMG_4631 |
 3277 - Rhopobota dietziana IMG_4209.jpg |
 3277 - Rhopobota dietziana |
 3278 - Rhopobota finitimana |
 3278 - Rhopobota finitimana |
 3278 - Rhopobota finitimana IMG_4164.jpg |
 3310 - Walker's Epinotia Moth - Epinotia transmissana IMG_6248.jpg |
 3333 - Oak Trumpet Skeletonizer Moth - Catastega timidella |
 3334 - Catastega aceriella |
 3334 - Catastega aceriella |
 3334 Maple Trumpet Skeletonizer Moth Catastega aceriella |
 3334 - Catastega aceriella |
 3334 - Catastega aceriella |
 3334 - Catastega aceriella |
 3334 - Catastega aceriella |
 3334 - Catastega aceriella |
 3536 - Robinson's Acleris - Acleris robinsoniana |
 3338 - European Spruce Needleminer Moth - Epinotia nanana |
 3338 - European Spruce Needleminer Moth - Epinotia nanana |
 3354 - Little Cloud - Ancylis nubeculana |
 3354 - Little Cloud - Ancylis nubeculana IMG_4207.jpg |
 3354 - Little Cloud - Ancylis nubeculana |
 3355 - Ancylis subaequana |
 3359 - Black-marked Ancylis - Ancylis metamelana |
 3359 Black-marked Ancylis Moth Ancylis metamelana IMG_5883.jpg |
 3365 - Ancylis spiraefoliana complex |
 3365 - Ancylis spiraeifoliana complex |
 3365 - Ancylis spiraeifoliana complex |
 3365 - Ancylis spiraeifoliana complex |
 3365 - Ancylis spiraefoliana complex |
 3365 - Ancylis spiraefoliana complex |
 3365 - Ancylis spiraefoliana complex |
 3365 - Ancylis spiraefoliana complex |
 3365 - Ancylis spiraeifoliana complex |
 3366-3369 Ancylis spiraeifoliana complex IMG_4082.jpg |
 3366 - Ancylis laciniana |
 3369 - Ancylis fuscociliana |
 3372 - Ancylis brauni |
 3376 - Ancylis apicana |
 3379 - Ancylis diminuatana |
 3423 Larisa subsolana |
 3429 - Lesser Appleworm Moth - Grapholita prunivora |
 3429 - Lesser Appleworm Moth - Grapholita prunivora |
 3443 Three-lined Grapholita Moth Grapholita tristrigana |
 3446 Corticivora clarki |
 3446 Corticivora clarki |
 3446.2 Corticivora parva IMG_6214.jpg |
 3471 - Hickory Shuckworm Moth - Cydia caryana |
 3471 - Hickory Shuckworm Moth - Cydia caryana |
 3471 Hickory Shuckworm Moth Cydia caryana IMG_5214.jpg |
 3471 - Hickory Shuckworm Moth - Cydia caryana IMG_5972.jpg |
 3492 - Codling Moth - Cydia pomonella |
 3494 Filbertworm Moth Cydia latiferreana |
 3495 - Dotted Gymnandrosoma - Gymnandrosoma punctidiscanum |
 3495 Dotted Ecdytolopha Moth Gymnandrosoma punctidiscanum IMG_5216.jpg |
 3497 - Locust Twig Borer - Ecdytolopha insiticiana |
 3501 - Maple Leaftier - Acleris forsskaleana |
 3502 - Red-edged Acleris - Acleris albicomana |
 3503 - Oak Leaftier - Acleris semipurpurana IMG_7228.jpg |
 3504 - Blueberry Leaftier - Acleris curvalana IMG_5759.jpg |
 3504 - Blueberry Leaftier - Acleris curvalana IMG_6012.jpg |
 3504 - Blueberry Leaftier - Acleris curvalana IMG_6047.jpg |
 3504 - Blueberry Leaftier - Acleris curvalana IMG_6335.jpg |
 3504 - Blueberry Leaftier Moth - Acleris curvalana |
 3509 - Acleris ptychogrammos (female) |
 3514 - Acleris cervinana |
 3516 - Acleris comandrana (female) |
 3516 - Acleris comandrana (male) |
 3516 - Acleris comandrana (male) |
 3517 - Bent-wing Acleris - Acleris subnivana (male) |
 3517 Common Acleris - Acleris subnivana (male) |
 3517 - Bent-wing Acleris - Acleris subnivana |
 3517 Common Acleris - Acleris subnivana (female) |
 3517 Common Acleris - Acleris subnivana (female) |
 3517 Common Acleris - Acleris subnivana (female) |
 3517 Common Acleris - Acleris subnivana (female) |
 3517 - Bent-wing Acleris - Acleris subnivana IMG_6857.jpg |
 3518 - Acleris braunana (female) |
 3521 - Acleris semiannula |
 3521 - Acleris semiannula (female) |
 3521 - Acleris semiannula (female) |
 3521 - Acleris semiannula |
 3521 - Acleris semiannula |
 3521 - Acleris semiannula |
 3521.1 - Acleris stadiana (male) |
 3521.1 - Acleris stadiana |
 3521.1 - Acleris stadiana (male) |
 3521.1 - Acleris stadiana |
 3523 - Acleris cornana (male) |
 3527 - Acleris viburnana (male) |
 3527 - Acleris viburnana |
 3527 - Acleris viburnana |
 3536 - Robinson's Acleris - Acleris robinsoniana (female) |
 3543 - Stained-back Leafroller - Acleris maculidorsana |
 3539 - Lesser Maple Leafroller - Acleris chalybeana (female) |
 3539 - Lesser Maple Leafroller - Acleris chalybeana |
 3539 - Lesser Maple Leafroller - Acleris chalybeana |
 3540 - Acleris placidana (male) |
 3540 - Black-headed Birch Leaffolder - Acleris placidana |
 3542 - Masked Leafroller - Acleris flavivittana (male) |
 3542 - Masked Leafroller - Acleris flavivittana |
 3542 - Masked Leafroller - Acleris flavivittana |
 3543 - Stained-back Leafroller - Acleris maculidorsana (female) |
 3543 Stained-back Leafroller Moth Acleris maculidorsana (male) |
 3543 - Stained-back Leafroller - Acleris maculidorsana (female) |
 3544 - Acleris clarkei (female) |
 3548 Eastern Black-headed Budworm Moth Acleris variana |
 3557 - Acleris maximana (female) |
 3558 - Acleris busckana (female) |
 3561 - Acleris hudsoniana |
 3567.1 - Gray Tortrix - Cnephasia stephensiana |
 3593 Woodgrain Leafroller Moth Pandemis lamprosana IMG_5405.jpg |
 3594 - Three-lined Leafroller - Pandemis limitata |
 3594 Three-lined Leafroller Moth Pandemis limitata |
 3594 - Three-lined Leafroller - Pandemis limitata IMG_4158.jpg |
 3597 - Red-banded Leafroller - Argyrotaenia velutinana |
 3597 - Red-banded Leafroller - Argyrotaenia velutinana |
 3597 Red-banded Leafroller Moth Argyrotaenia velutinana IMG_5406.jpg |
 3602 Pine Tube Moth Argyrotaenia pinatubana |
 3602 Pine Tube Moth Argyrotaenia pinatubana |
 3623 - Oak Leafroller - Argyrotaenia quercifoliana |
 3624 - White-spotted Leafroller - Argyrotaenia alisellana |
 3625 - Gray-banded Leafroller - Argyrotaenia mariana |
 3625 - Gray-banded Leafroller - Argyrotaenia mariana |
 3632 - Broken-banded Leafroller - Choristoneura fractivittana |
 3632 - Broken-banded Leafroller - Choristoneura fractivittana IMG_4171.jpg |
 3635 - Oblique-banded Leafroller - Choristoneura rosaceana IMG_6073.jpg |
 3635 Oblique-banded Leafroller - Choristoneura rosaceana |
 3643 Jack Pine Budworm Moth Choristoneura pinus IMG_5722.jpg |
 3660 Gray Archips Moth Archips grisea IMG_5828.jpg |
 3660 - Gray Archips - Archips grisea |
 3672 - Gray Leafroller - Syndemis afflictana |
 3672 - Gray Leafroller - Syndemis afflictana |
 3675 - Wide-striped Leafroller - Aphelia alleniana IMG_4440.jpg |
 3686 - Black-patched Clepsis - Clepsis melaleucana |
 3686 - Black-patched Clepsis - Clepsis melaleucana |
 3686 - Black-patched Clepsis - Clepsis melaleucana |
 3688 Garden Tortrix Moth Clepsis peritana IMG_5346.jpg |
 3688 - Garden Tortrix - Clepsis peritana |
 3688.1 - Clepsis penetralis IMG_4169.jpg |
 3689 - Clepsis virescana |
 3695 - Sparganothis Fruitworm Moth - Sparganothis sulfureana |
 3706 Mosaic Sparganothis Moth Sparganothis xanthoides IMG_5639.jpg |
 3716 Spring Dead-leaf Roller Moth Cenopis diluticostana IMG_5822.jpg |
 3716 Spring Dead-leaf Roller Moth Cenopis diluticostana |
 3740 Tufted Apple Budmoth Platynota idaeusalis |
 3740 - Platynota idaeusalis IMG_8038.jpg |
 3740 - Tufted Apple Budmoth - Platynota idaeusalis IMG_6069.jpg |
 3743 - Exasperating Platynota - Platynota exasperatana |
 3747 - The Batman Moth - Coelostathma discopunctana |
 3748 - White-lined Leafroller - Amorbia humerosana |
 3760.2 Aethes sexdentata |
 3760.2 Aethes sexdentata IMG_6105.jpg |
 Aethes sp. (need to wait for the revision to get reliable names on these) |
 Aethes sp. IMG_4089.jpg |
 Aethes sp. |
 3776 - Hoffman's Cochlid - Cochylis hoffmanana |
 3778 Cochylis nana |
 3778 Thyraylia nana IMG_5415.jpg |