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Tom Murray | profile | all galleries >> Arthropods - Arthropoda >> Insects - Insecta >> Moths - Lepidoptera tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Moths - Lepidoptera

So far after 8 years watching moths in my yard, I've photographed and identified over 1,400 species at my lights. Identification is a challenge, but I've had plenty of help from Bob Patterson and others on the Moth Photographers Group. Many of my moth photos appear on the plates at the Moth Photographers Group.
Pre-Tortricid Micros Moths 0001-2700
:: Pre-Tortricid Micros Moths 0001-2700 ::
Tortricidea Moths 2701-3863
:: Tortricidea Moths 2701-3863 ::
Pre-Pyralid Moths - 3864-4702
:: Pre-Pyralid Moths - 3864-4702 ::
Pyraloidea  through  Pyralinae  Moths 4703 - 6088
:: Pyraloidea through Pyralinae Moths 4703 - 6088 ::
Plume Moths - Pterophoridae - 6089-6234
:: Plume Moths - Pterophoridae - 6089-6234 ::
Drepanoidea Moths -- 6235-6255
:: Drepanoidea Moths -- 6235-6255 ::
Geometroidea Moths - 6256-7662
:: Geometroidea Moths - 6256-7662 ::
Apatelodidae through Saturniidae Moths  7663 -7770
:: Apatelodidae through Saturniidae Moths 7663 -7770 ::
Sphingidae Moths  7771 - 7894
:: Sphingidae Moths 7771 - 7894 ::
Notodontidae Moths  7895 - 8032
:: Notodontidae Moths 7895 - 8032 ::
Arctiidae and Lymantriidae -  8033-8321
:: Arctiidae and Lymantriidae - 8033-8321 ::
Noctuidae: Herminiinae through Hypeninae Moths  8322 - 8489
:: Noctuidae: Herminiinae through Hypeninae Moths 8322 - 8489 ::
Catocalinae less Catocala Moths  8490 - 8769
:: Catocalinae less Catocala Moths 8490 - 8769 ::
Noctuidae Catocalinae Moths  8770 - 8879
:: Noctuidae Catocalinae Moths 8770 - 8879 ::
Plusiinae through Agaristinae Moths  8880 - 9324
:: Plusiinae through Agaristinae Moths 8880 - 9324 ::
Amphipyrinae Moths  9325 - 9872
:: Amphipyrinae Moths 9325 - 9872 ::
Cucullinae Moths  9873 - 10217
:: Cucullinae Moths 9873 - 10217 ::
Hadeninae through Heliothinae Moths  10218 - 11233
:: Hadeninae through Heliothinae Moths 10218 - 11233 ::
Moths by the Month
:: Moths by the Month ::
Moths Hodges 0001-11233
:: Moths Hodges 0001-11233 ::