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Tom Murray | profile | all galleries >> Nature Trips >> Mexican Bugs 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Mexican Bugs 2004

8273 - Southern Cyan Tiger Moth - Macrocneme chrysitis
8273 - Southern Cyan Tiger Moth - Macrocneme chrysitis
0227 - Southern Longhorn Moth - Adela caeruleella
0227 - Southern Longhorn Moth - Adela caeruleella
8649 -- Black Witch Moth -- Ascalapha odorata
8649 -- Black Witch Moth -- Ascalapha odorata
8287 -- Texas Wasp Moth -- Horama panthalon texana
8287 -- Texas Wasp Moth -- Horama panthalon texana
Lichen Moth - Ptychoglene sp.
Lichen Moth - Ptychoglene sp.
0457.99 - bagworm moth cocoon 4 long
0457.99 - bagworm moth cocoon 4" long
Rutelinae - Strigoderma sulcipennis
Rutelinae - Strigoderma sulcipennis
7704 - Imperial Moth - Eacles imperialis
7704 - Imperial Moth - Eacles imperialis
7704 - Imperial Moth - Eacles imperialis
7704 - Imperial Moth - Eacles imperialis
7961 - Silvered Prominent - Didugua argentilinea
7961 - Silvered Prominent - Didugua argentilinea
Crimson Patch - Chlosyne janais
Crimson Patch - Chlosyne janais
Doxocopa sp. - Emperor butterfly
Doxocopa sp. - Emperor butterfly
Hypercompe suffusa
Hypercompe suffusa
Northern Giant Flag Moth - Dysschema howardi
Northern Giant Flag Moth - Dysschema howardi
Hypercompe suffusa
Hypercompe suffusa
Apatelodes sp.
Apatelodes sp.
Pipevine Swallowtail - Battus philenor
Pipevine Swallowtail - Battus philenor
Least Hypocrisias - Hypocrisias minima
Least Hypocrisias - Hypocrisias minima
Hypercompe suffusa
Hypercompe suffusa
7664.1 - Apatelodes auduboni
7664.1 - Apatelodes auduboni
parasite egg mass attached to Noctua sp.
parasite egg mass attached to Noctua sp.
Anisota leucostygma
Anisota leucostygma
Golden Silk Spider - Trichonephila clavipes
Golden Silk Spider - Trichonephila clavipes
Argiope aurantia
Argiope aurantia
Green Lynx Spider - Peucetia viridans (on her egg case)
Green Lynx Spider - Peucetia viridans (on her egg case)
Creosote Walking Stick - Diapheromera covilleae
Creosote Walking Stick - Diapheromera covilleae
Prosapia simulans
Prosapia simulans
Aztec Spur-throat - Aidemona azteca
Aztec Spur-throat - Aidemona azteca
Paraidemona sp.
Paraidemona sp.
Taeniopoda tamaulipensis
Taeniopoda tamaulipensis
Lubber Grasshopper - Chromacris colorata
Lubber Grasshopper - Chromacris colorata
Agroecotettix modestus
Agroecotettix modestus
Neon Skimmer - Libellula croceipennis
Neon Skimmer - Libellula croceipennis
Neon Skimmer - Libellula croceipennis
Neon Skimmer - Libellula croceipennis
female Argia oculata ?
female Argia oculata ?
Filigree Skimmer - Pseudoleon superbus
Filigree Skimmer - Pseudoleon superbus