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Tom Murray | profile | all galleries >> Arthropods - Arthropoda >> Insects - Insecta >> Flies - Diptera tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Flies - Diptera

This gallery just scratches the surface of the wide variety of flies there are in the US. Most of these are from Massachusetts alone. As I take pictures of insects, I'm finding things that I never knew existed. Some of the flies are as colorful as birds, but much more numerous.
Small-headed Flies -Acroceridae
:: Small-headed Flies -Acroceridae ::
Leaf-mining Flies -  Agromyzidae
:: Leaf-mining Flies - Agromyzidae ::
Wood Gnats - Anisopodidae
:: Wood Gnats - Anisopodidae ::
Root-Maggot Flies - Anthomyiidae
:: Root-Maggot Flies - Anthomyiidae ::
Flies - Anthomyzidae
:: Flies - Anthomyzidae ::
Robber Flies - Asilidae
:: Robber Flies - Asilidae ::
Watersnipe Flies - Athericidae
:: Watersnipe Flies - Athericidae ::
Flies - Aulacigastridae
:: Flies - Aulacigastridae ::
Flies - Axymyiidae
:: Flies - Axymyiidae ::
March flies - Bibionidae
:: March flies - Bibionidae ::
Net-winged Midges - Blephariceridae
:: Net-winged Midges - Blephariceridae ::
Gnats - family Bolitophilidae
:: Gnats - family Bolitophilidae ::
Bee flies -  Bombyliidae
:: Bee flies - Bombyliidae ::
Blow Flies - Calliphoridae
:: Blow Flies - Calliphoridae ::
Gall Midges - Cecidomyiidae
:: Gall Midges - Cecidomyiidae ::
Biting Midges - Ceratopogonidae
:: Biting Midges - Ceratopogonidae ::
Flies - Chamaemyiidae
:: Flies - Chamaemyiidae ::
Phantom Midges - Chaoboridae
:: Phantom Midges - Chaoboridae ::
Midges - Chironomidae
:: Midges - Chironomidae ::
Frit Flies - Chloropidae
:: Frit Flies - Chloropidae ::
Flies - Chyromyidae
:: Flies - Chyromyidae ::
Clusiidae Flies
:: Clusiidae Flies ::
Kelp Flies - Coelopidae
:: Kelp Flies - Coelopidae ::
Thick-headed Flies - Conopidae
:: Thick-headed Flies - Conopidae ::
Frog-biting Midges - Corethrellidae
:: Frog-biting Midges - Corethrellidae ::
Mosquitoes - Culicidae
:: Mosquitoes - Culicidae ::
Fungus Gnats - Diadocidiidae
:: Fungus Gnats - Diadocidiidae ::
Flies - Diastatidae
:: Flies - Diastatidae ::
Stalk-eyed Flies - Diopsidae
:: Stalk-eyed Flies - Diopsidae ::
Meniscus Midges - Dixidae
:: Meniscus Midges - Dixidae ::
Long-legged Flies - Dolichopodidae
:: Long-legged Flies - Dolichopodidae ::
Vinegar Flies - Drosophilidae
:: Vinegar Flies - Drosophilidae ::
flies - Dryomyzidae
:: flies - Dryomyzidae ::
Dance Flies - Empididae
:: Dance Flies - Empididae ::
Shore Flies - Ephydridae
:: Shore Flies - Ephydridae ::
Muscid Flies - Fanniidae
:: Muscid Flies - Fanniidae ::
Heleomyzidae flies
:: Heleomyzidae flies ::
Louse Flies - Hippoboscidae
:: Louse Flies - Hippoboscidae ::
Hybotid Dance Flies - Hybotidae
:: Hybotid Dance Flies - Hybotidae ::
Predatory Fungus Gnats - Keroplatidae
:: Predatory Fungus Gnats - Keroplatidae ::
Lauxaniidae Flies
:: Lauxaniidae Flies ::
Limoniid Crane Flies family - Limoniidae
:: Limoniid Crane Flies family - Limoniidae ::
Lance Flies - Lonchaeidae
:: Lance Flies - Lonchaeidae ::
Pointed-winged Flies - Lonchopteridae
:: Pointed-winged Flies - Lonchopteridae ::
Stilt-legged Flies - Micropezidae
:: Stilt-legged Flies - Micropezidae ::
Freeloader Flies - Milichiidae
:: Freeloader Flies - Milichiidae ::
Muscid Flies - Muscidae
:: Muscid Flies - Muscidae ::
Fungus Gnats - Mycetophilidae
:: Fungus Gnats - Mycetophilidae ::
Mydas Flies - Mydidae
:: Mydas Flies - Mydidae ::
Flies - Odiniidae
:: Flies - Odiniidae ::
Bot Flies - Oestridae
:: Bot Flies - Oestridae ::
Opomyzidae Flies
:: Opomyzidae Flies ::
Oreogetonidae Flies
:: Oreogetonidae Flies ::
Flutter Flies - Pallopteridae
:: Flutter Flies - Pallopteridae ::
Pediciid Crane Flies family - Pediciidae
:: Pediciid Crane Flies family - Pediciidae ::
Flies - Periscelididae
:: Flies - Periscelididae ::
Scuttle flies - Phoridae
:: Scuttle flies - Phoridae ::
Cheese Skipper Flies - Piophilidae
:: Cheese Skipper Flies - Piophilidae ::
Big-headed Flies - Pipunculidae
:: Big-headed Flies - Pipunculidae ::
Flat-footed Flies - Platypezidae
:: Flat-footed Flies - Platypezidae ::
Signal Flies - Platystomatidae
:: Signal Flies - Platystomatidae ::
Rust Flies - Psilidae
:: Rust Flies - Psilidae ::
Mothflies - Psychodidae
:: Mothflies - Psychodidae ::
Phantom Crane Flies family - Ptychopteridae
:: Phantom Crane Flies family - Ptychopteridae ::
Pyrgotidae Flies
:: Pyrgotidae Flies ::
Snipe Flies - Rhagionidae
:: Snipe Flies - Rhagionidae ::
Wood Louse Flies - Rhinophoridae
:: Wood Louse Flies - Rhinophoridae ::
Flesh Flies - Sarcophagidae
:: Flesh Flies - Sarcophagidae ::
Minute Black Scavenger Flies - Scatopsidae
:: Minute Black Scavenger Flies - Scatopsidae ::
Dung Flies - Scathophagidae
:: Dung Flies - Scathophagidae ::
Window Flies - Scenopinidae
:: Window Flies - Scenopinidae ::
Dark-winged Fungus Gnats - Sciaridae
:: Dark-winged Fungus Gnats - Sciaridae ::
Marsh Flies - Sciomyzidae
:: Marsh Flies - Sciomyzidae ::
Black Scavenger Flies - Sepsidae
:: Black Scavenger Flies - Sepsidae ::
Black Flies - Simuliidae
:: Black Flies - Simuliidae ::
Lesser Dung Flies - Sphaeroceridae
:: Lesser Dung Flies - Sphaeroceridae ::
Soldier Flies - Stratiomyidae
:: Soldier Flies - Stratiomyidae ::
Syrphid Flies - Syrphidae
:: Syrphid Flies - Syrphidae ::
Horse and Deer Flies - Tabanidae
:: Horse and Deer Flies - Tabanidae ::
Tachinid Flies - Tachinidae
:: Tachinid Flies - Tachinidae ::
Fruit Flies - Tephritidae
:: Fruit Flies - Tephritidae ::
Flies - Tethinidae
:: Flies - Tethinidae ::
Stiletto Flies (Therevidae)
:: Stiletto Flies (Therevidae) ::
Crane Flies family - Tipulidae
:: Crane Flies family - Tipulidae ::
Winter Crane Flies family - Trichoceridae
:: Winter Crane Flies family - Trichoceridae ::
Picture-winged Flies - Ulidiidae
:: Picture-winged Flies - Ulidiidae ::
Xylomyidae Flies
:: Xylomyidae Flies ::
:: Xylophagidae ::