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Tom Murray | profile | all galleries >> Arthropods - Arthropoda >> Insects - Insecta >> Damselflies - Odonata - Zygoptera >> Damselflies of New England tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Damselflies of New England

Jewelwings - Calopteryx
:: Jewelwings - Calopteryx ::
Rubyspots - Hetaerina
:: Rubyspots - Hetaerina ::
Spreadwing Damselflies - Lestes
:: Spreadwing Damselflies - Lestes ::
Aurora Damsels - Chromagrion
:: Aurora Damsels - Chromagrion ::
Bluets - Enallagma
:: Bluets - Enallagma ::
Red Damsels - Amphiagrion
:: Red Damsels - Amphiagrion ::
Forktail Damselflies - Ishnura
:: Forktail Damselflies - Ishnura ::
Sprite Damselflies - Nehalennia
:: Sprite Damselflies - Nehalennia ::
Dancer Damselflies - Argia
:: Dancer Damselflies - Argia ::
Taiga Bluet - Coenagrion resolutum
Taiga Bluet - Coenagrion resolutum
damsel nymph
damsel nymph
damsel nymph
damsel nymph
damsel nymph
damsel nymph
Damselfly larva
Damselfly larva