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one day at a time

Mostafa B<3 Happy Birthday myself by my son Pedro Naomi, my best wishes!! Happy Birthday Mostafa :) My very best wishes dearest Olivier!!
ride Happy Birthday Jola :) Davi 2014 Best Wishes ♡ Happy Birthday Dearest Deniz Mimir!!
It“s the 20th already in some point of the world...........then, it“s time to celebrate your life Mostafa ♥ Cheers!! Olivier my dearest friend....I wish you all the best for many, many years!! Love you, Tita ♥ Davi - my grandson :)))) Happy 2012 dear friends! Best Wishes to ALL
Window & Storm - a duo photo and Mostafa Moftah's Golden Touch :)) Happy Birthday dear Mostafa ~ Happy Birthday dear Olivier!! wall Happy Birthday Sam C :)~
muahhh :)~ Mostafa Moftah From Bill Ewart.!!  Thanks Bill!! :))~ For PR Rajan dear .. Happy Birthday Tita
Gift Of Life Prayers For Marcia Rocha The PARTY is ON :) breakfast table Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Friends are forever! Happy Birthday Dear Amigo Mostafa! Happy Birthday Olivier Dear! Below 0 degrees Welcome 2008
Happy 2008 everyone! Merry Christmas with a smile :) g3/11/635511/3/88550485.y2YgTnc2.jpg new toy :)))* g6/11/635511/3/85778113.aiLdzrdf.jpg
s t o p sambando na rua Thursdays Totally Informal Transglobal Challenge - Elvis sarasota impressions spoiled brat :)*
local pirate g6/11/635511/3/81637105.hrL9ngnp.jpg boat parade - independence hollidays warm look g6/11/635511/3/80158802.3uN9PjXl.jpg
g6/11/635511/3/79873556.ZRtJTZKy.jpg by the way.. g6/11/635511/3/79675548.TixYIwxS.jpg just a look a  new fella :)*
g6/11/635511/3/78894957.f6XfhG5L.jpg searching the light new horizons hello hello g6/11/635511/3/78430130.Dpbq1Q8l.jpg
come and go Any corner no stop g6/11/635511/3/78057279.cOmR4gd9.jpg g6/11/635511/3/77819433.GyRXU92y.jpg
getting well Sugar Loaf interaction all on board Big Hug
let's fly? my ride sea Arcos da Lapa, Rio Bondinho de Santa Teresa - Santa Teresa Bond
calice almost time Let's go to Egypt? picture yourself just pretend
everyday g6/11/635511/3/76420076.lpcFIwn8.jpg on my feet Como Uma Onda . Like a Wave pier
listen to my story through life g6/11/635511/3/76053043.8UmS4g9V.jpg Totally Informal Transglobal Challenge - Changing Seasons too soon
lot of things stepping into shoes it's just another day 80km/h watch your speed
A Touch of Green take it all g6/11/635511/3/75594534.DbyccGkc.jpg window shopping how can i get tired of you?
Hey you, it's saturday! Still a chance umm.. now i've got to carry it ;/ g6/11/635511/3/75316202.yj36H27H.jpg g6/11/635511/3/75272414.kxOHTFGV.jpg
upside down g6/11/635511/3/75160100.JLXiZHsg.jpg g6/11/635511/3/75117839.VhvyxT8g.jpg FOR Olivier Bruning Rio, 442nd anniversary
biker Rio 40 graus - Rio 100 degrees fast life funny dancers or burning couple? rising
g6/11/635511/3/74734409.ybLMAy1b.jpg Maria Bonita rio carnaval 2007 Lampićo and Maria Bonita carnaval 2007
January 2007
January 2007
December 2006
December 2006