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Tim Rucci | all galleries >> Photo Potpourri >> Maintenance >> Admin >> Favorites > 7060E - Jackson
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Tim Rucci

7060E - Jackson

Jacksonville Zoo

This guy seems to enjoy having his picture taken. The zoo keeper saw me looking
at Jackson, and walked over to where I was standing and called him. Jackson came
over to us and seemed to be posing for this picture.

Sadly, we recently learned that the chimpanzees at the Jacksonville Zoo are going
to be moved to a different zoo in return for more bonobos. One of my favorite zoo
friends won't be here much longer.


Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 28-135 IS
full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Wendy04-May-2007 05:49
What a character! I wonder what he his thinking.........V!
Yves Rubin17-Jul-2006 19:39
What a great character! So enlifting, this smile!
Andrew Vincent23-Jun-2006 13:38
Very, Very, Very, Very nice.... like it ... a lot. Voted,
Guest 21-Jan-2006 23:42
great character shot.
Guest 28-Mar-2005 16:03
Nice one
Ilona 24-Feb-2005 14:20
aaaaaaaaa I am melting...what a face...such a beauty...O my....he is almost beging for some attention

perfect catch Tim...

Guest 01-Jun-2004 23:54
And how can anybody NOT smile back?