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Ian Shere 27-Jun-2016 18:46

I'm redoing the Santa Paula Airport website and wondered if we could have permission to use some of your images.
Sergio C. 26-Jul-2011 14:58
Hello, just discovered PBase and enjoyed seeing your pictures!
Jennifer 21-Feb-2005 18:27
My name is Jennifer Gerber. I am working for an independent production company that is producing a documentary film, called ONE SIX RIGHT. This film is about the passion for flying, and the preservation of General Aviation airports. This film mainly documents the history of the Van Nuys Airport, but also touches upon issues such as the closing of Meigs Field. I was on the internet looking for pictures of Meigs Field when it was active, and came across your page. I would love to see if you have any more pictures, and also discuss the possibility of using some of these photos in the film. I can be reached via e-mail or at the office, 818-717-0711. I would love to talk to you about this. Have a great day!
-Jennifer Gerber