Cooper's Hawk, adult, 03-Sep-2020 |
 Oak Titmouses, adult and juvenile, 17-May-2021 |
 Oak Titmouse, juvenile, 17-May-2021 |
 Oak Titmouse, adult, 17-May-2021 |
 Western Bluebird, female, 12-May-2021 |
 Western Bluebird, female, 12-May-2021 |
 Western Bluebird, female, 12-May-2021 |
 Nuttall's Woodpecker, male, 10-May-2021 |
 Red-shouldered Hawk, 10-May-2021 |
 Red-shouldered Hawk, 10-May-2021 |
 Cedar Waxwings, 23-Apr-2021 |
 Cedar Waxwings, 23-Apr-2021 |
 White-breasted Nuthatch, 18-Apr-2021 |
 Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon male, 20-Mar-2021 |
 Pygmy Nuthatch, 17-Mar-2021 |
 Lesser Goldfinch, male, 09-Mar-2021 |
 Bushtits, 09-Mar-2021 |
 Bushtits, 09-Mar-2021 |
 Bushtits, 09-Mar-2021 |
 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 09-Mar-2021 |
 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 03-Mar-2021 |
 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 03-Mar-2021 |
 Pygmy Nuthatch, 03-Mar-2021 |
 Pygmy Nuthatches, 03-Mar-2021 |
 Spotted Towhee, male, 26-Feb-2021 |
 Spotted Towhee, male, 26-Feb-2021 |
 Spotted Towhee, male, 26-Feb-2021 |
 American Avocet, female, 24-Feb-2021 |
 American Wigeon, male, 24-Feb-2021 |
 American Wigeon, male, 24-Feb-2021 |
 Double-crested Cormorant, 24-Feb-2021 |
 Cedar Waxwing, 12-Feb-2021 |
 Purple Finch, female, 08-Feb-2021 |
 Purple Finch, female, 08-Feb-2021 |
 Great Horned Owl, 23-Jan-2021 |
 Hutton's Vireo, 21/jan/2021 |
 Hutton's Vireo, 21-Jan-2021 |
 Anna's Hummingbird, male, 21/jan/2021 |
 Surf Scoter, male, 18-Jan-2021 |
 Eared Grebe, 18/Jan/2021 |
 Horned Grebe, 18/Jan/2021 |
 Snowy Egret, foraging, 18/Jan/2021 |
 Northern Mockingbird, 18/Jan/2021 |
 Pygmy Nuthatch, 12/Jan/2021 |
 Pygmy Nuthatches, 12/Jan/2021 |
 Pygmy Nuthatches, 12/Jan/21 |
 Pine Siskin, 12/Jan/21 |
 Red-shouldered Hawk, 10-Jan-2021 |
 Cedar Waxwings, 29-Dec-2020 |
 Cedar Waxwings, flock at fountain, 29-Dec-2020 |
 Ferruginous Hawk, 20-Dec-2020 |
 White-crowned Sparrow, persimmons, 20-Dec-2020 |
 European Starling, with persimmon, 20-Dec-2020 |
 European Starling, persimmons, 20-Dec-2020 |
 European Starling, persimmons, 20-Dec-2020 |
 European Starling, persimmons, 20-Dec-2020 |
 Brant, 20-Dec-2020 |
 Brant, 20-Dec-2020 |
 Bufflehead, male, 20-Dec-2020 |
 Bufflehead, female, 20-Dec-2020 |
 Bufflehead, male, 20-Dec-2020 |
 Buffleheads, 20-Dec-2020 |
 Surf Scoter, male, 20-Dec-2020 |
 Greater Yellowlegs, 20-Dec-2020 |
 Killdeer, female, 20-Dec-2020 |
 Common Goldeneye, female in flight, 20-Dec-2020 |
 Red-naped Sapsucker, juvenile, 25-Nov-2020 |
 Townsend's Warbler, female, 25-Nov-2020 |
 Townsend's Warbler, female, 25-Nov-2020 |
 Townsend's Warbler, male, 25-Nov-2020 |
 Townsend's Warbler, male, 25-Nov-2020 |
 Wrentit, 25-Nov-2020 |
 Western Scrub-Jay, 25-Nov-2020 |
 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 25-Nov-2020 |
 Townsend's Warbler, male, 13-Nov-2020 |
 Townsend's Warbler, female, 13-Nov-2020 |
 Townsend's Warblers, pair, female on right, 13-Nov-2020 |
 Townsend's Warblers, pair, female on left, 13-Nov-2020 |
 Common Gallinule, 31-Oct-2020 |
 Northern Harrier, male, 31-Oct-2020 |
 Black-crowned Night Heron, 31-Oct-2020 |
 Black Phoebe, 31-Oct-2020 |
 Greater Yellowlegs, 31-Oct-2020 |
 Killdeer, 31-Oct-2020 |
 Northern Mockingbird, 31-Oct-2020 |
 Northern Shoveler, male, 31-Oct-2020 |
 Snowy Egret, with food, 31-Oct-2020 |
 Snowy Egret, preening, 31-Oct-2020 |
 Cooper's Hawk, 30-Oct-2020 |
 Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's, 21-Oct-2020 |
 Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's, 18-Oct-2020 |
 Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's, 18-Oct-2020 |
 Anna's Hummingbird, male, 10-Oct-2020 |
 Hermit Thrush, 07-Oct-2020 |
 American Robin, 02-Sep-2020 |
 Cooper's Hawk, 03-Sep-2020 |
 Western Bluebirds, males, 14-Aug-2020 |
 Western Bluebird, female, 14/8/20 |
 Western Bluebird, female, 14/8/20 |
 Cooper's Hawk, 02-Aug-2020 |
 White-tailed Kite, juvenile, 26/7/20 |
 White-tailed Kite, juvenile, flying |
 White-tailed Kite, juvenile, flying |
 White-tailed Kites, juveniles |
 Pied-billed Grebe, on nest |
 Green Heron, adult or second year |
 White-tailed Kite, juvenile (mystery?) |
 White-tailed Kite, juvenile |
 White-tailed Kite, juvenile |
 Cooper's Hawk |
 Cooper's Hawk |
 Two White-tailed Kites, juveniles |
 Red-shouldered Hawk, juvenile |
 Killdeers, adult and two chicks |
 Pied-billed Grebes, adult and chicks |
 Pied-billed Grebes, adult and two chicks |
 Common Gallinules, adult with chick |
 Common Gallinules, foraging |
 Canada Geese, adult with three chicks |
 Green Heron, adult or second year |
 Green Heron, juvenile |
 Green Heron, juvenile |
 Green Heron, juvenile |
 White-tailed Kite |
 White-tailed Kite, juvenile |
 White-tailed Kite, juvenile |
 Red-shouldered Hawk, juvenile |
 Red-shouldered Hawk, juvenile |
 Pied-billed Grebe, on nest |
 Pied-billed Grebe, on nest |
 Pied-billed Grebe, nest, five eggs |
 Killdeer, on nest |
 Gadwall, female, with 4 chicks |
 Common Gallinules, pair, bonding |
 Common Gallinules, pair, bonding |
 Western Bluebird, female |
 Western Bluebirds, adult female and three juveniles |
 Western Bluebirds, adult male and juvenile |
 Western Bluebird, adult male and juvenile |
 Western Bluebirds, juveniles |
 Western Bluebirds. juveniles |
 Western Bluebird, male bathing |
 Oak Titmouse |
 American Crows, pair |
 Common Gallinule, chick |
 Common Gallinules, adult with chick |
 Common Gallinules, fighting |
 Common Gallinules, fighting |
 Pied-billed Grebe, nesting |
 Canada Goose, gosling |
 Cinnamon Teal, male |
 American White Pelican |
 Black Skimmer |
 Western Bluebirds, juveniles |
 Western Bluebird, juvenile |
 Greater Yellowlegs, partially molted |
 Cinnamon Teal, male |
 Black-necked Stilt, giving the eye |
 Red-winged Blackbird, bicolored male |
 Song Sparrow |
 Nuttall's Woodpecker, male |
 Nuttall's Woodpecker, male |
 Wilson's Warbler, female |
 Wilson's Warbler, female |
 Dark-eyed Junco, juvenile |
 Dark-eyed Junco, juvenile |
 Dark-eyed Junco, juvenile |
 Dark-eyed Junco, juvenile |
 Hermit Thrush |
 Spotted Towhee, male |
 Spotted Towhee, male |
 Spotted Towhee, male |
 Spotted Towhee, male |
 Lesser Goldfinch, female |
 Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's |
 Anna's Hummingbirds, females 2 |
 Anna's Hummingbirds, females 1 |
 Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon male |
 Chestnut-backed Chickadee |
 Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's |
 American Crow |
 Red-breasted Nuthatch |
 Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's |
 Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle |
 Anna's Hummingbird, male |
 Anna's Hummingbird, male |
 American Crow |
 Anna's Hummingbird |
 Red-breasted Nuthatch |
 Pine Siskin |
 Townsend's Warbler, male |
 Townsend's Warbler, male |
 Townsend's Warbler, male |
 Hermit Thrush |
 Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle |
 Anna's Hummingbird, male |
 Anna's Hummingbird, male |
 Purple Finch, female or immature |
 Purple Finch, female or immature, 09-Feb-2020 |
 House Finch, male, 14-Feb-2020 |
 Red-breasted Nuthatch, 09-Feb-2020 |
 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 09-Feb-2020 |
 Cedar Waxwing, 09-Feb-2020 |
 Cedar Waxwing, 09-Feb-2020 |
 Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle, 09-Feb-2020 |
 Cedar Waxwing and American Robin, 09-Feb-2020 |
 Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's, 04-Feb-2020 |
 Townsend's Warbler, female, 04-Feb-2020 |
 Chestnut-backed Chickadee, 03-Feb-2020 |
 Chestnut-backed Chickadee, 03-Feb-2020 |
 Black Phoebe, 03-Feb-2020 |
 Townsend's Warbler and Lesser Goldfinch, 31-Jan-2020 |
 White-tailed Kites, pair, 31-Jan-2020 |
 Cooper's Hawk, 31-Jan-2020 |
 Cooper's Hawk, 26-Jan-2020 |
 Cooper's Hawk, calling, 26-Jan-2020 |
 Red-breasted Nuthatch, 25-Jan-2020 |
 Lesser Goldfinch, male, 25-Jan-2020 |
 Lesser Goldfinch, male, 25-Jan-2020 |
 Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle, 25-Jan-2020 |
 Hermit Thrush, 25-Jan-2020 |
 Townsend's Warbler, male, 25-Jan-2020 |
 Varied Thrush, male, 12-Jan-2020 |
 Varied Thrush flees American Robin, 12-Jan-2020 |
 American Robin, 17-Jan-2020 |
 Hermit Thrush, 12-Jan-2020 |
 Townsend's Warbler, female, 11-Jan-2020 |
 Townsend's Warbler, male, 08-Jan-2020 |
 House Finches, pair, 08-Aug-2020 |
 Western Bluebird, male, 08-Aug-2020 |
 Western Bluebird, juvenile, 08-Aug-2020 |
 Western Bluebird, male bathing, 19-Jun-2020 |
 Western Bluebird, female, 22-Jun-2020 |
 Western Bluebird, male, 08-Aug-2020 |
 Western Bluebird, female, 14-Aug-2020 |
 Western Bluebird, female, 14-Aug-2020 |
 Western Bluebirds, male bathing, 02-Sep-2020 |
 Western Bluebird, juvenile, 7/6/20 |
 Western Bluebird, juvenile, 8/8/20 |
 Western Bluebirds, adult male and juvenile, 19/6/20 |
 Western Bluebirds, adult female and three juveniles, 22/6/20 |
 Western Bluebirds, adult female and three juveniles, 22/6/20 |
 Western Bluebirds, 22/6/20 |
 Western Bluebirds, adult male and juvenile, 22-Jun-2020 |
 Western Bluebirds, 22/6/20 |
 Western Bluebirds, adult female and three juveniles, 22/6/20 |
 Western Bluebirds, male, 14-8-20 |
 Western Bluebirds, 20-Aug-20 |
 Western Bluebirds, juveniles, 07-Jun-20 |
 Western Bluebirds, 02-sep-/20 |
 Western Bluebirds, 02-/sep-/20 |
 Western Bluebirds, juveniles, 02-Sep/20 |
 Western Bluebirds, juvenile, 19-Jun-20 |
 Western Bluebirds, juvenile, 19-Apr-2020 |
 Hermit Thrush, 09-Apr-2020 |
 Hermit Thrush, 22-Mar-2020 |
 Hermit Thrush, 08-Jan-2020 |
 Golden-crowned Sparrow, 08-Jan-2020 |
 Acorn Woodpecker, female, 05-Jan-2020 |
 Acorn Woodpecker, female, 05-Jan-2020 |