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Terry Bowker | all galleries >> Photo Manipulation >> Droste > Droste Effect on a Pbaser....
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Droste Effect on a Pbaser....

The 'Droste effect' is a Dutch term for a specific kind of recursive picture[1], one that in heraldry is termed mise en abyme. An image exhibiting the Droste effect depicts a smaller version of itself in a place where a similar picture would realistically be expected to appear. This smaller version then depicts an even smaller version of itself in the same place, and so on. Only in theory could this go on forever, but practically it continues only as long as the resolution of the picture allows, which is relatively short, since each iteration exponentially reduces the picture's size.

Honorable mention:Pbase contest: Unusual

other sizes: small medium original auto
cits_4_pets11-Oct-2012 03:19
Fabulous image, love the processing and very effective with this image. Excellent!!!
Guest 14-Mar-2009 21:04
an nguyen04-Jan-2009 16:29
You are clever....
Bartosz Kotulski30-Dec-2008 17:47
fantastic processing. very well done
Ken Zaret06-Dec-2008 03:06
Nicely in the M.C. Escher tradition!
Guest 20-Feb-2008 04:32
This should definetly win the unusual comp. very neat
Squared C16-Nov-2007 07:20
Very clever!
Andrew Vincent27-Oct-2007 03:34
Very cool! VOTE!
Latifa Messaoudi21-Oct-2007 04:18
TOP Cool!
James Lundy26-Aug-2007 03:37
This is awesome!
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