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Terry Bowker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cockpit & Aerial Views > Sunrise and Moonrise (Waning Crescent) over North Pole 37,000 ft
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Sunrise and Moonrise (Waning Crescent) over North Pole 37,000 ft

This picture was taken in flight on a "Polar Route" from Beijing to Newark.

Canon EOS 5D
5s f/3.5 at 33.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
monica memoli26-Jan-2008 10:25
Wow! Great shot! v
Guest 09-Apr-2007 21:11
Wonderfull and silent shot, love the colour and composition!
Rick Roluf08-Mar-2007 00:25
Long Bach Nguyen07-Jan-2007 06:43
That is awesome to be able to capture the crescent part of the moon.
BleuEvanescence25-Dec-2006 05:31
C'est trop beau...
Thank you for sharing...
Guest 30-Sep-2006 10:48
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