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Terry Bowker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Vietnam > Halong Bay, Vietnam
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Halong Bay, Vietnam

Canon EOS 5D
1/640s f/5.0 at 14.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Tim Reisdorf20-Mar-2014 02:38
great shot !
Long Bach Nguyen23-Dec-2012 17:10
The boats are white's not very pretty
Dennis Camp04-Dec-2012 02:20
Nice angle of the boat.
The Ellisons01-Dec-2012 13:57
Beautiful scenery!
Lindsey19-Nov-2012 13:20
Wonderful perspective shot! V.
MarcViskens20-Oct-2012 19:13
very nice shot
Andrys Basten30-Apr-2012 21:54
That boat couldn't be angled better and I love the color of the water and its direction and everything else.
PAPA JUZI16-Dec-2011 02:13
What a beautiful country..... great work !
Long Bach Nguyen14-Dec-2011 06:02
Excellent and beautiful v
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