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Casper ter Kuile | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Eclipses tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Solar and Lunar Eclipses / Zons- en Maansverduisteringen
Partial Lunar Eclipse - 25 april 2013
:: Partial Lunar Eclipse - 25 april 2013 ::
Partial Solar Eclipse, 4 january 2011, Oostende, Belgium
:: Partial Solar Eclipse, 4 january 2011, Oostende, Belgium ::
Solar Eclipse - 22 july 2009
:: Solar Eclipse - 22 july 2009 ::
Lunar Elipse - 3 and 4 March 2007
:: Lunar Elipse - 3 and 4 March 2007 ::
Solar Eclipse - 29 March 2006
:: Solar Eclipse - 29 March 2006 ::
Annular Solar Eclipse - 3 october 2005
:: Annular Solar Eclipse - 3 october 2005 ::
Lunar Eclipse - 9 november 2003
:: Lunar Eclipse - 9 november 2003 ::
Lunar Eclipse - 16 may 2003
:: Lunar Eclipse - 16 may 2003 ::
Solar Eclipse - 30 may 1984
:: Solar Eclipse - 30 may 1984 ::
Solar Eclipse - 11 may 1975
:: Solar Eclipse - 11 may 1975 ::