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Tom Conelly | profile | all galleries >> Europe >> Spain 2012 >> Spain 2012 - Highlights tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Spain 2012 - Highlights | Anti-Gov't Protest | Gaudi Architecture | Dali Museum | Barcelona | Girona, Spain | Sitges, Spain

Spain 2012 - Highlights

Some of my favorite photos from a recent visit to Barcelona and surrounding area.

For all my Spain 2012 galleries see:
Barcelona protest against government funding cuts for education Barcelona protest against government funding cuts for education Barcelona protest against government funding cuts for education Barcelona protest against government funding cuts for education Barcelona protest against government funding cuts for education Barcelona protest against government funding cuts for education
Sagrada Familia - ceiling of cathedral Sagrada Familia Sagrada Familia - Depiction of the Passion of Christ above front entrance Sagrada Familia -- Pillars and ceiling of cathedral Sagrada Familia Sagrada Familia - Depiction of the Passion of Christ above front entrance
Gaudi architecture in Barcelona Gaudi architecture in Barcelona Gaudi architecture in Barcelona Gaudi architecture in Barcelona Gaudi architecture in Barcelona Gaudi architecture in Barcelona
Dali museum Outside Dali museum Dali museum Dali museum Dali museum Dali Museum
Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona - Plaza de Catalunya
Barcelona waterfront Barcelona waterfront Far Barcelona Barcelona waterfront Barcelona waterfront Barcelona waterfront
Girona - crossing the River Onyar into the historic town center Town of Girona Town of Girona Town of Girona Town of Girona Town of Girona - descending the cathedral steps
Sitges - beach town south of Barcelona Sitges - beach town south of Barcelona Sitges - beach town south of Barcelona Sitges - beach town south of Barcelona Sitges - beach town south of Barcelona Sitges - beach town south of Barcelona
View from roof of hotel near Plaza de Catalunya Barcelona Cathedral Esglesia de Betlem Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona Along Barcelona waterfront Plaza de Catalunya
g4/56/151956/3/145289084.SuXPAEHj.jpg g4/56/151956/3/145616097.kTfPQveQ.jpg g4/56/151956/3/145786142.hC2GvI6s.jpg Gaudi