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Lazy Feathers Observatory images
gallery: Lazy Feathers Observatory images
UGIC 2016 Conference at Bryce Canyon
gallery: UGIC 2016 Conference at Bryce Canyon
Maps on the Hill
gallery: Maps on the Hill
2012 Miscellany
gallery: 2012 Miscellany
Stansbury House
gallery: Stansbury House
Mallincam Astrophotos
gallery: Mallincam Astrophotos
2009 Fireworks in Moroni
gallery: 2009 Fireworks in Moroni
Astronomy & Satellites
gallery: Astronomy & Satellites
Heavy snows in Jan/Feb 2008
gallery: Heavy snows in Jan/Feb 2008
Salt Creek Fire 2007
gallery: Salt Creek Fire 2007
Birds of Central Utah, 2005
gallery: Birds of Central Utah, 2005
Temple Square Christmas Lighting 2004
gallery: Temple Square Christmas Lighting 2004
Utah Winter 2004
gallery: Utah Winter 2004
Washington, Oregon, and Idaho - September 2004
gallery: Washington, Oregon, and Idaho - September 2004
Macro world
gallery: Macro world
gallery: Temporary
Buildings and Architecture of Salt Lake City
gallery: Buildings and Architecture of Salt Lake City
Trip through New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma in April '04
gallery: Trip through New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma in April '04
Trip through Wyoming, the Dakotas, and Montana
gallery: Trip through Wyoming, the Dakotas, and Montana
California Trip - April/May 2003
gallery: California Trip - April/May 2003
Mount Pleasant Christmas Lighting 2002
gallery: Mount Pleasant Christmas Lighting 2002
Bryce Canyon Autumn 2002
gallery: Bryce Canyon Autumn 2002
Salt Lake 2002 Olympics - Around town
gallery: Salt Lake 2002 Olympics - Around town
A Walk in Downtown Salt Lake - March 5, 2002
gallery: A Walk in Downtown Salt Lake - March 5, 2002
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