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Steve Vogels | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Steve Vogels
Name Steve Vogels (joined 27-Dec-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username svogels
Location Packer Country
Packer Country
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View Galleries : Steve Vogels has 22 galleries and 393 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 333763 times.

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Message from Steve Vogels
Hello, I hope you enjoy my site. Please feel free to comment on my photos!

Please note my NEW EMAIL address!! It is

Please see my ad posted by the wonderful people at !!!!

Wedding is one of the most precious moments in a woman's life, and capturing those unforgettable important moments should be cherished with perfect photos. Speaking of "perfect photos", make them more beautiful with an experienced wedding photographer. My experiences, passion and professionalism are some of the factors why I stand out from my competitors. And not to mention that I'm offering high quality, very affordable wedding photography services. Kindly check out my service listing at, a great free and effective website to promote a business, to know more about my services.

Some of my toys:

Canon 5D Mark II Kit, I love this camera !!
Canon 50D - My new back-up camera !!!!
EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM Nice L series lens
EF 85mm f/ 1.8 USM
EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS Nice zoom when you need it, I wish it was an L series
2- Speedlite 580EX II
1- Pocket Wizard TT1
1- Pocket Wizard TT5
1- Manfrotto tripod 300 1DB
1- Manfrotto tripod 724 B
1- Pro Albinar tripod 7500
1- Sunpak Monopod
2- Photek Professional light stands for my 580 EX II’s

Photoshop CS5 Extended
OnOne PhotoFrame 4.5 Professional Edition
OnOne Photo Tools 2.0 Professional Edition
OnOne Genuine Fractals 6.0 Professional Edition
OnOne Focal Point
OnOne Mask Pro 4.1
OnOne Mask Pro 4.1 Select


I wish it was a faster lens, but it'll do, I WANT IT SOOOO BAD!!

Thanks to EBay for helping me identify fake cards, here's where:

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