World's Strongest Astronomer? |
 Lifting all five Bundanoon Stones |
 Early bodybuilding circa 1992 |
 20 inch biceps in 2000 |
 WORLD RECORD "Farmers Walk" 2001 |
 WORLD RECORD in the Farmers Walk 2001 |
 WORLD FIRST! B-Double pull |
 WORLD RECORD attempt 2000 |
 Australian Record stone lift |
 Australian Record stone lift 2 |
 Australian Record stone lift DONE! |
 Daryl Eastlake and the Sunday Footy Show 1997 |
 250kg Stromlo meteorite lift! |
 250kg Iron Meteorite lift |
 Lifting a 250kg Meteorite |
 Taking a quarter of a ton for a walk! |
 Lifting a 153kg stone at Questacon Canberra |
 The big 170kg "Husafel Stone" |
 160kg stone |
 Bundanoon |
 Aberdeen NSW 2005 - swan song |
 Lifting 300kg of cylinders |
 Walking (running?) with 2 X 150kg! |
 National Brain Injury fund raiser 2000 |
 National Brain Injury foundation 2000 |
 200kg Farmers Walk (sprint?) |
 6 X 90kg sack load in New Zealand 2004 |
 56lb weight for height |
 In the line up with New Zealand's Mr Mega |
 Me and Levi Vaoga "Mr Mega" |
 Lifting the last stone to become champion 2002 |
 Champion of the stones 2002 |
 153kg stone to shoulder |
 The Caber Toss |
 Husafel Stone Carry |
 ACT Chief Minister Kate Carnell |
 Pulling a bus at Summernats 1997 |
 220kg carry Darling Harbour 1998 |
 Trans Tasman Strongman Challenge 1999 |
 Trans Tasman Strongman Challenge 1999 - 2nd place |
 Trans Tasman Strongman Challenge 2000 |
 Carrying the 170kg Husafel Stone at the Ainslie School fete 2000 |
 Pulling an 8.5 Ton prime mover for The Brain Injury Foundation 1995 |
 150kg log lift |
 Flipping a 400kg tyre |
 Biggest Morning Tea 2008 |
 Biggest Morning Tea 2007 |
 Mike at Belconnen Community Festival 2006 |