Each image was captured very differently (see explanation below) but both images show
extensive faint nebulous extensions and fine details spread across this beautiful area.
**See the full frame Starfire version here:
6" Starfire APO image data:
AP152 F7.5 Starfire APO + FLI ProLine16803 CCD & CFW-5-7
LHaRGB = 210 270 60 60 60 min (11 hrs total) Astronomik 50mm square filters
-30C chip temp, darks and flats (AstroHandy LightRing used for flats)
Focal Length: 1300mm
Image scale = 1.4"/pix
Guide Camera: Starlightxpress SXVH9
UK Schmidt image details:
This color image is based on data coming from several photographic plates taken between
1983 and 1989 through the Anglo Australian Observatory's 48-inch (1.2-meter) UK Schmidt Telescope.
The photographs were recorded on two type of glass photographic plates - one sensitive to red light
and the other to blue and later they were digitized. Credit: Anglo-Australian Observatory, UK
Schmidt Telescope, Digitized Sky Survey.