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Jon Stoller | profile | all galleries >> Travels & Events >> Europe, June 2006 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Europe, June 2006

Dad, Mom, Jeff & Sarah, Buddy, Shawn (Sarah's brother) and myself traveld to Hungary, Austria and Romania.

I cannot describe how thankful I am for the opportunity that God gave me to take this trip for two weeks this past June. It was an incredible experience.

Even though I saw two amazing cities (Budapest and Vienna) filled with tremendous buildings, churches, architecture, palaces and government buildings as well as beautiful scenery all across Central Europe, I am most thankful for the individuals that I spent time with over those two weeks. During that time I came to love and appreciate these brothers and sisters from a different part of the world. They opened their hearts and homes, keeping my family over night and feeding us delicious and wonderful meals. We sang and worshiped with them and it was hard to come home once our trip was finished. I will miss these loving people and I hope I can see them again.

Thank you for all the memories my European family! May God bless and protect each of you until we meet again.

I took around 1,200 photos but I cannot put all of them on this website so I tried to select some of the best but this is not a complete set of pictures by any means.

Please post some comments if you enjoy the photos. This always makes looking at the pictures much more fun:) Thanks to Aaron Stoller who already has posted some comments!
Budapest Sightseeing
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Budapest Church Orchestra
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