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Stefano Ceriani | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Claire Buchanan 02-Jun-2009 19:39
Hi Stefano,

I work for the environmental charity RSPB based in Scotland where my role is as a Red Kite Community Officer. My main aim is to raise awareness for this beautiful bird in my area and am currently involved in organising several red kite 'hubs' or information points where people can get more info about these birds. I will be designing A1 posters to go into each of these points. I have been looking through your impressive selection of photos and would really like to use one for use on the poster (probably wont be bigger than A3 size. Please can you let me know if this would be possible and if so, how much this may cost?

I hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
Guest 31-May-2007 20:36
Great Gallery