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Sony Forums Challenges | all galleries >> Challenge 52: Circles (hosted by MFC) >> Challenge 52: Exhibition Gallery > Harvest Moon
by Bev Brink
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10 SEP 03 Bev Brink

Harvest Moon
by Bev Brink

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Sony Forums Challenges08-Oct-2003 03:27
Thank you, Melanie, Deb & Debbi. Debbi - I didn't have my tele lens with me, so was at full digital zoom, and cropped still further - neither practice recommended. Settings were: F/3.2, 1/200 sec., spot metering, manual exposure program, ISO 100, exposure compensation-0. I tried many different aperature values, and as long as I spot metered on the moon and kept the exposure compensation at zero, they turned out pretty much the same. My first try at moon-shots and far from perfect, but if you have any other questions, just email me. Thanks, Bev
Sony Forums Challenges07-Oct-2003 15:39
I would love to know the settings on your camera
Deb Kees04-Oct-2003 15:43
Bev, I think this is my favorite of all of your entries. So simple and so incredibly beautiful. I do believe I could go on and on about it. Thanks for sharing.---Deb
Sony Forums Challenges28-Sep-2003 01:03
OOOh, nice moon-shot Bev. Melanie (mlynn)