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Stephen Tabone | profile | all galleries >> Galapagos Islands, Ecuador (Nov 29 - Dec 6 2009) >> Fernandina and Isabela Islands, Tuesday Dec 1 >> Isabela Island tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Isabela Island

Stephen L. Tabone Photography

All photographs copyright © 2009 Stephen L. Tabone. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Click on the below thumbnails to enlarge the image.

Darwin's Lake, Isabella Island
Darwin's Lake, Isabella Island
Isabella Island
Isabella Island
Isabella Island
Isabella Island
Medium Ground Finch
Medium Ground Finch
Medium Ground Finch
Medium Ground Finch
Panga and Blue-footed Boobie and Brown Pelican Fly-by
Panga and Blue-footed Boobie and Brown Pelican Fly-by
Blue-footed Boobies
Blue-footed Boobies