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Giancarlo Guzzardi | profile | all galleries >> Mountains - 10 sub galleries >> free_mountains >> my_sacred_mountain tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
climbing up the winter - the strict side of the mountain

Ogni volta che vi torno, questi luoghi, gli stessi da anni, ma pur sempre diversi,
non smettono di stregarmi con il loro silenzio, l'isolamento, l'imponenza che in inverno,
con le nubi fosche e il vento sferzante, si trasformano in immensità.
my sacred mountain
my sacred mountain
in the light, beyond clouds, on the mountain
in the light, beyond clouds, on the mountain
majestic and strict
majestic and strict
breathtaking snow slopes
breathtaking snow slopes
ascending traverse
ascending traverse
on the buttress
on the buttress
snow and clouds
snow and clouds
stairway to heaven
stairway to heaven
a splendid couloir
a splendid couloir
riders on the storm
riders on the storm
piolet traction
piolet traction
snow powder
snow powder
the wall
the wall
an ice cornice
an ice cornice
lights and shadows
lights and shadows
sweating at dawn
sweating at dawn
in the fog
in the fog
an unconfortable and cold rest point
an unconfortable and cold rest point
bad weather
bad weather
a delicate passage
a delicate passage
step by step
step by step
long shadows
long shadows
ridges and pinnacles
ridges and pinnacles
an hard pitch
an hard pitch
going up
going up
ephemeral traces
ephemeral traces