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snorkelady | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Galapagos Islands 2009 >> Day 4: The Plaza's & Santa Fe Islands tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Day 4: The Plaza's & Santa Fe Islands

Day 4  *BLOG* click on photo and read below photo
Day 4 *BLOG* click on photo and read below photo
The Day's Agenda
The Day's Agenda
Enroute to South Plaza Island
Enroute to South Plaza Island
Park Monument - Marine Iguana is for 'real'.
Park Monument - Marine Iguana is for 'real'.
Swallow-tailed Gull, recuperating from the 'night-shift'
Swallow-tailed Gull, recuperating from the 'night-shift'
Sea lion & gull snoozin
Sea lion & gull snoozin
Juvie taps bill (white spot) when hungry ....
Juvie taps bill (white spot) when hungry ....
Land iguana shedding its skin
Land iguana shedding its skin
Not so big
Not so big
On the lookout for food (herbivore)
On the lookout for food (herbivore)
Marine iguana, not just a 'pretty' face! This one was not snorting salt crystals
Marine iguana, not just a 'pretty' face! This one was not snorting salt crystals
Juvie cried incessently
Juvie cried incessently
Another pretty face
Another pretty face
Wet season .... colors were beautiful
Wet season .... colors were beautiful
One of Darwin's finches
One of Darwin's finches
o2/29/471129/1/117812355.xKOxJoA0.P1020685www.jpg Notice how tall the trunks of the Pear Cactus are .... adaptation over the years
Notice how tall the trunks of the Pear Cactus are .... adaptation over the years
The Queen Beatriz
The Queen Beatriz
Shade from the hot equatorial sun
Shade from the hot equatorial sun
The cliffs ........ shearwaters & tropical red bills  locating their homes
The cliffs ........ shearwaters & tropical red bills locating their homes
o2/29/471129/1/117812359.kkD48iOV.P1020727www.jpg GAP's Queen Beatriz 16 person catamaran
GAP's Queen Beatriz 16 person catamaran
Soon these colors will disappear and the land will look burnt
Soon these colors will disappear and the land will look burnt
What is he up to???
What is he up to???
A herbivore stalking a storm petrel
A herbivore stalking a storm petrel
A look of satisfaction after a tasty meal
A look of satisfaction after a tasty meal
Sea lions polished this stone
Sea lions polished this stone
Fatty deposits over the years
Fatty deposits over the years
Pear cactus flower
Pear cactus flower
Magnificent Frigatebird
Magnificent Frigatebird
She hitched a ride enroute to Santa Fe
She hitched a ride enroute to Santa Fe
Magnificent Frigatebird Posing
Magnificent Frigatebird Posing
This way and
This way and
that way ......
that way ......
The others sat on the roof
The others sat on the roof
I wonder how much GAP charges for the transfer?
I wonder how much GAP charges for the transfer?
Handsome male Magnificent Frigatebird
Handsome male Magnificent Frigatebird
Catching up to the boat
Catching up to the boat
Magnificent female frigatebird
Magnificent female frigatebird
Suspended in the air
Suspended in the air
Noon at the equator
Noon at the equator
Droping anchor at this stunning cove
Droping anchor at this stunning cove
Sea turtles, it's mating season
Sea turtles, it's mating season
Lets play
Lets play
Magnificent even if they do stink!
Magnificent even if they do stink!
What does this remind you of??
What does this remind you of??
A Galapagos Hawk, 5 feet from us
A Galapagos Hawk, 5 feet from us
Poses for photos
Poses for photos
Sally Lightfoots all over these lava rocks
Sally Lightfoots all over these lava rocks
Constant smile
Constant smile
What's up?
What's up?
Relaxing in the shade
Relaxing in the shade
The diningroom - buffet breakfasts
The diningroom - buffet breakfasts
Water, tea, coffee etc
Water, tea, coffee etc
Fill your water bottles - no charge
Fill your water bottles - no charge
We had a fabulous group, we laughed so hard, we cried
We had a fabulous group, we laughed so hard, we cried