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Belize 2010 "Blackbird Oceanic Field Station", Blackbird Caye, Turneffe Atoll

The snorkeling we did in 2009 'whetted' our appetites to snorkel other areas in the Caribbean.

The group of friends that we met in the Galapagos last year got together for a week at the Blackbird Oceanic Field Station, on Blackbird Caye in the Turneff Atoll. It is 25 miles east of Belize City. This Atoll has recently been established as a Marine Reserve :

Blackbird Caye is part of the islands that make up the "Turneffe Atoll".

Belize is south of the Yucatan Peninsula and has part of the world's second largest barrier reef in front of it. What a jewel hidden away from the maddening crowds!

The Blackbird Oceanic Field Station (BOFS) is on Blackbird Caye and shares it with the only "resort" on the island. The BOFS is a place where research in conducted and they offer various opportunites to participate ( ). The location of the BOFS allowed us to see the sun rise and at the end of the day only a few steps away .... an amazing sunset.

We had 2 guided snorkels a day. Richard was our boat captain, Dr John Barimo and Alton guided our snorkels.
The emphasis on 'safety in the water' was exceptional. Our first snorkel was from the shore so that our abilities could be evaluated. Richard was very strict :) and expected each & every snorkeler to give him the sign that we were 'ok'.

The underwater vista was breath taking and afforded us an opportunity to see such species as sea horses, sharks, rays, eels, groupers, dolphins,turtles, live conchs, corals & sponges of every size & colour!

The day we went to the Blue Hole, our captain was Kent. This was quite an honour as Kent is the man who first guided Jacques Cousteau to the Blue Hole.

Life and views above the water were just as exciting. This album is divided into 4 sub albums :
The Property (Oceanic Society Field Station)
:: The Property (Oceanic Society Field Station) ::
:: Birds ::
:: Critters ::
Scenery, including Blue Hole & Lighthouse Reef
:: Scenery, including Blue Hole & Lighthouse Reef ::